"Ian Bartholomew" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
> Frank,
> > Any suggestions. To me this is a bug.
> Which version of Dolphin are you using? This sort of corruption could
> occasionally occur in earlier versions but the empty string was made a
> only object in later versions (Dolphin 4 and later IIRC) to prevent these
> problems.
> You could still try replacing any code that uses something like
> x := ''
> with
> x := String new
> just to see if it makes a difference.
Just to explain what Ian is suggesting. The empty literal string is a single
shared object in Dolphin. In earlier versions it was possible to modify this
shared object with code like this (a common error):
stream := WriteStream on: ''.
stream nextPutAll: 'Oh dear'.
In recent Dolphin versions (I think as of D4), the empty literal string is
still shared, but is read-only, so code such as the above will give an