There are several problems in Dolphin Float/Fraction conversion
1) Float asTrueFraction does not handle denormalized number (gradual underflow) 2) Large fractions asFloat do overflow (due to intermediate steps) 3) Integer and Fraction #asFloat do not round to nearest Floating point value (current algorithm accumulate round off errors) These floating point problems are hanging around in major Smalltalk dialects for so long... They all did exist in ST-80, but 2) has been corrected in Squeak and VW. I recently corrected 1) and 3) in Squeak. This is general Smalltalk improvement that i will port to other commercial and free dialects. Consider licence as MIT or no licence at all if you prefer, and feel free to modify/uncomment/incorporate in Dolphin distribution or any other Smalltalk. I join changed methods plus a TestCase inline since i do not know how to join a file through google groups... Is there a better way ? Nicolas "Filed out from Dolphin Smalltalk X6"! TestCase subclass: #FloatTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! FloatTest guid: (GUID fromString: '{B3BD6664-DD98-4FD0-A2E6-481B53583567}')! FloatTest comment: ''! !FloatTest categoriesForClass!Unclassified! ! !FloatTest methodsFor! testFloatAsTrueFraction "check if gradual underflow is correctly handled" self assert: 1.0e-316 asFraction asFloat = 1.0e-316! testFractionAsFloat "use a random test to be sure that fractions are rounded to nearest float" | r frac err collec | r := RandomLinearCongruential newModulus: (2 raisedTo: 54) multiplier: (2 raisedTo: 53) - (2 raisedTo: 47) - (2 raisedTo: 33) - 1 increment: 1234567. r seed: 1234567. 1000 timesRepeat: [ frac := ((r next ; seed) * (r next ; seed) + 1) / ((r next; seed) * (r next; seed) + 1). err := (frac - frac asFloat asTrueFraction) * frac reciprocal * (1 bitShift: Float precision - 1). self assert: err < (1/2)]. collec := #( 16r010000000000000 16r01FFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 2 w.pdf 1707 16r020000000000000 16r0020000000000001 16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFF 16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFE 16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFD). collec do: [:num | collec do: [:den | frac := Fraction numerator: num denominator: den. err := (frac - frac asFloat asTrueFraction) * frac reciprocal * (1 bitShift: Float precision - 1). self assert: err <= (1/2)]].! 115 ip testIntegerAsFloat ge "assert IEEE 754 round to nearest even mode is honoured" anges self deny: 16r1FFFFFFFFFFFF0801 asFloat = 16r1FFFFFFFFFFFF0800 asFloat. "this test is on 65 bits" self deny: 16r1FFFFFFFFFFFF0802 asFloat = 16r1FFFFFFFFFFFF0800 asFloat. "this test is on 64 bits" self assert: 16r1FFFFFFFFFFF1F800 asFloat = 16r1FFFFFFFFFFF20000 asFloat. "nearest even is upper" self assert: 16r1FFFFFFFFFFFF0800 asFloat = 16r1FFFFFFFFFFFF0000 asFloat. "nearest even is lower" ! ! !FloatTest categoriesFor: #testFloatAsTrueFraction!public!Testing! ! !FloatTest categoriesFor: #testFractionAsFloat!public!Testing! ! !FloatTest categoriesFor: #testIntegerAsFloat!public!Testing! ! "Filed out from Dolphin Smalltalk X6"! !Float categoriesForClass!Magnitude-Numbers! ! !Float methodsFor! asTrueFraction "Answer a <rational> that precisely represents the binary fractional value of the receiver using all available bits of the double precision IEEE floating point representation. Note that because <Float> is an imprecise representation, the result may have more precision than appropriate. For example the decimal number 0.1 cannot be represented precisely as a binary floating point number, and hence the <Float> representation is itself only approximate. When <Float> representation of 0.1 is converted using this method the result is a precisely equivalent Fraction that is very close to (1/10), but not actually equal to 0.1." " Extract the bits of an IEEE double float " | shifty sign expPart exp fraction fractionPart | shifty := VMLibrary default makeLargeUnsigned: self. " Extract the sign and the biased exponent " sign := (shifty bitShift: -63) == 0 ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [-1]. expPart := (shifty bitShift: -52) bitAnd: 16r7FF. " Extract fractional part; answer 0 if this is a true 0.0 value " fractionPart := shifty bitAnd: 16r000FFFFFFFFFFFFF. (expPart == 0 and: [fractionPart = 0]) ifTrue: [^0]. "Add implied leading 1 into fraction" "2006/06/02 nice: denormalized numbers (gradual underflow) does not have leading 1" fraction := expPart = 0 ifTrue: [fractionPart] ifFalse: [fractionPart bitOr: 16r0010000000000000]. "Unbias exponent: 16r3FF is bias; 52 is fraction width" exp := ##(16r3FF + 52) - expPart. "Form the result. When exp>52, the exponent is adjusted by the number of trailing zero bits in the fraction to minimize the (huge) time otherwise spent in #gcd:. " ^exp negative ifTrue: [sign * fraction bitShift: exp negated] ifFalse: [| zeroBitsCount | zeroBitsCount := fraction lowBit - 1. exp := exp - zeroBitsCount. exp <= 0 ifTrue: [zeroBitsCount := zeroBitsCount + exp. sign * fraction bitShift: zeroBitsCount negated] ifFalse: [Fraction numerator: (sign * fraction bitShift: zeroBitsCount negated) denominator: (1 bitShift: exp)]]! ! !Float categoriesFor: #asTrueFraction!converting!public! ! "Filed out from Dolphin Smalltalk X6"! !LargeInteger categoriesForClass!Magnitude-Numbers! ! !LargeInteger methodsFor! asFloat "Answer the floating point representation of the receiver. Some precision may be lost. Primitive Failure Reasons: 1 - The receiver has more than 64-bits " | result nTruncatedBits exponent mask trailingBits carry | <primitive: 167> "2006/06/02 nice: previous implementation might accumulate rounding errors. This implementation does honour IEEE default rounding mode (to nearest even)" result := self abs. nTruncatedBits := result highBit - Float precision. nTruncatedBits > 0 ifTrue: [mask := (1 bitShift: nTruncatedBits) - 1. trailingBits := result bitAnd: mask. "inexact := trailingBits isZero not." carry := trailingBits bitShift: 1 - nTruncatedBits. result := result bitShift: nTruncatedBits negated. exponent := nTruncatedBits. (carry isZero or: [(trailingBits bitAnd: (mask bitShift: -1)) isZero and: [result even]]) ifFalse: [result := result + 1]. ^ self positive ifTrue: [result asFloat timesTwoPower: exponent] ifFalse: [result asFloat negated timesTwoPower: exponent]]. "We should never reach this code if primitive works properly" result := 0.0. self basicSize to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :i | result := result * 256.0 + (self byteAt: i) asFloat]. ^result! ! !LargeInteger categoriesFor: #asFloat!converting!public! ! "Filed out from Dolphin Smalltalk X6"! !Fraction categoriesForClass!Magnitude-Numbers! ! !Fraction methodsFor! asFloat "Answer the receiver as a Float" "2006/0602 nice: naive algorithm might overflow prematurely ^numerator asFloat / denominator asFloat This implementation will answer the closest floating point number to the receiver. It uses the IEEE 754 round to nearest even mode." | a b q r exponent floatExponent nBits ha hb hq q1 | a := numerator abs. b := denominator abs. ha := a highBit. hb := b highBit. "If both numerator and denominator are represented exactly in floating point number, then fastest thing to do is to use hardwired float division" nBits := Float precision + 1. (ha < nBits and: [hb < nBits]) ifTrue: [^numerator asFloat / denominator asFloat]. "Try and obtain a mantissa with 54 bits by integer division. This is 53 bits of IEEE 754 mantissa plus 1 bit for rounding First guess is rough, we might get one more bit or one less" exponent := ha - hb - nBits. exponent > 0 ifTrue: [b := b bitShift: exponent] ifFalse: [a := a bitShift: exponent negated]. q := a quo: b. r := a - (q * b). hq := q highBit. "check for gradual underflow, in which case we should use less bits" floatExponent := exponent + hq. floatExponent >= Float emin ifFalse: [nBits := nBits + floatExponent - Float emin]. "Use exactly nBits" hq > nBits ifTrue: [exponent := exponent + hq - nBits. r := (q bitAnd: (1 bitShift: nBits - hq) - 1) * b + r. q := q bitShift: nBits - hq]. hq < nBits ifTrue: [exponent := exponent + hq - nBits. q1 := (r bitShift: nBits - hq) quo: b. q := (q bitShift: nBits - hq) bitAnd: q1. r := r - (q1 * b)]. "check if we should round upward. The case of exact half (q bitAnd: 1) = 1 & (r isZero) will be handled by Integer>>asFloat" ((q bitAnd: 1) isZero or: [r isZero]) ifFalse: [q := q + 1]. "build the float" ^ (self positive ifTrue: [q asFloat] ifFalse: [q asFloat negated]) timesTwoPower: exponent! ! !Fraction categoriesFor: #asFloat!converting!public! ! |
"nicolas cellier" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > There are several problems in Dolphin Float/Fraction conversion > > 1) Float asTrueFraction does not handle denormalized number > (gradual underflow) > > 2) Large fractions asFloat do overflow (due to intermediate steps) > > 3) Integer and Fraction #asFloat do not round to nearest Floating > point value (current algorithm accumulate round off errors) > > These floating point problems are hanging around in major Smalltalk > dialects for so long... > > They all did exist in ST-80, but 2) has been corrected in Squeak and > VW. > > I recently corrected 1) and 3) in Squeak. > > This is general Smalltalk improvement that i will port to other > commercial and free dialects. > Consider licence as MIT or no licence at all if you prefer, and feel > free to modify/uncomment/incorporate in Dolphin distribution or any > other Smalltalk. Thank you for your contribution Nicolas. We will certainly include this in the next patch release. Regards Blair |
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