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Steve Moffitt
Sorry wrong list -- sent from debugger.


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Jazelle anyone?

Tansel Ersavas
Does anyone know about the Jazelle technology that is utilized in Arm's v&
architecture and Cortex series processors? It is described as " 'Realtime
Compilation Target' technology for efficient support of ahead-of-time and
just-in-time compilation of Java and other bytecode languages" which hints a
clever guy or girl could pull this off with Squeak as well? It would seem it
would only be applicable to 32 bit VM architecture.

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Re: Jazelle anyone?

Jecel Assumpcao Jr

the original Jazelle technology was just a small variation of the Thumb
idea: that with very little hardware you could accept a different
instruction set from memory as long as it was possible to translate
these one for one to the native 32 bit ARM instructions. In the case of
Thumb this was a specially designed 16 bit instruction set and for
Jazelle it was an interesting subset of the Java virtual machine. This
allowed things like "push instance variable 3" (in Squeak-speak) to be
executed directly at one clock per instruction while more complicated
things caused a trap which invoked a software implementation. It would
be possible to pervert this for Smalltalk but you would have to used the
same bytecodes as Java for the hardware translated subset.

The new Jazelle RCT technology (the original is now called Jazelle DBX)
is basically an addition of 12 new instructions to Thumb-2 to make that
instruction set a very attractive target for JITs. In particular it
allows zero overhead null pointer and invalid index checking. This would
benefit Squeak (think Exupery, for example) just as much as Java.

-- Jecel

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Remind me how I search the image

In reply to this post by Tansel Ersavas
for a string literal.

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Re: Remind me how I search the image


On 15-Aug-06, at 8:57 PM, Todd Blanchard wrote:

> for a string literal.
Well, selecting the string and cmd-E ought to do it

tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Strange OpCodes: CLOUT: Call Long-distance On Unused Telephone

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Re: Remind me how I search the image

Dan Ingalls
In reply to this post by tblanchard
>for a string literal.

Hi, Todd -

I see Tim answered your question but, in the spirit of giving a fishing pole instead of a fish, it's often worth trying "help" in the world menu, after which "command-key help" would have revealed the CMD-E feature (along with lots of other such stuff).

Perhaps you tried this, though, and didn't recognize "method strings" as being the same as "string literals".  It should probably be changed.

        - Dan