[BUG] View Composer + Flow Layout

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[BUG] View Composer + Flow Layout

Stefan Matthias Aust
If I open a View Composer, create a new shell, change its
layoutManager to FlowLayout, add three push buttons and then try to
manipulate the layout's gap, Dolphin 4.0 pl1 crashes horrible.

(By pressing ctrl+break multiple times and then closing the View
Composer, you can revive DS but it's still annoying)

Stefan Matthias Aust____Truth until Paradox!____________________
     Jobs? ==> [hidden email]   www.baltic-online.de

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Re: [BUG] View Composer + Flow Layout

Andy Bower

> If I open a View Composer, create a new shell, change its
> layoutManager to FlowLayout, add three push buttons and then try to
> manipulate the layout's gap, Dolphin 4.0 pl1 crashes horrible.
> (By pressing ctrl+break multiple times and then closing the View
> Composer, you can revive DS but it's still annoying)

It's not so much a crash as a loop (that's why Ctrl+Break recovers). Anyway,
it's a known problem that has been fixed for 4.01. In the meantime you can
apply the fix yourself by removing the following lines from

each extent: extent; update. "Force update to prevent re-layout."
extent := extent + (self horizontalGap @ self verticalGap).

The second of these, if nothing else, was doubling the horizontal and
vertical gaps between the views in the container.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: [BUG] View Composer + Flow Layout

Stefan Matthias Aust
On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:24:08 -0000, "Andy Bower"
<[hidden email]> wrote:

>It's not so much a crash as a loop (that's why Ctrl+Break recovers). Anyway,
>it's a known problem that has been fixed for 4.01. In the meantime you can
>apply the fix yourself by removing the following lines from


Stefan Matthias Aust____Truth until Paradox!____________________
     Jobs? ==> [hidden email]   www.baltic-online.de