See explanation in my prevous mail '1.2: class var #Instance not
allowed'. 2 February 2011 12:23:58 pm VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog.35] Image: Pharo1.2rc2 [Latest update: #12329] SecurityManager state: Restricted: false FileAccess: true SocketAccess: true Working Dir /home/mivsek/Smalltalk/pharo/ Trusted Dir /home/mivsek/Smalltalk/pharo/ ure Untrusted Dir /home/mivsek/Smalltalk/pharo/ Squeak [:var | (self bindingOf: var) notNil ifTrue: [DuplicatedVariableError new variable: var; signal: var , ' is defined elsewhere'. conflicts := true]] in AIDASite class(Class)>>declare: Receiver: AIDASite Arguments and temporary variables: conflicts: #Instance var: #(false) Receiver's instance variables: superclass: SwazooSite methodDict: a MethodDictionary() format: 154 instanceVariables: #('style' 'settings' 'systemServices' 'userServices' 'timest...etc... organization: nil subclasses: nil name: #AIDASite classPool: nil sharedPools: nil environment: nil category: nil traitComposition: nil localSelectors: nil Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: Receiver: #(#Default #Dialect #Instance #RandomGen #SloveneCharacters) Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:var | (self bindingOf: var) notNil ifTrue: [DuplicatedVariableError...etc... index: 3 indexLimiT: 5 Receiver's instance variables: #(#Default #Dialect #Instance #RandomGen #SloveneCharacters) AIDASite class(Class)>>declare: Receiver: AIDASite Arguments and temporary variables: varString: 'Default Dialect Instance RandomGen SloveneCharacters' newVars: #(#Default #Dialect #Instance #RandomGen #SloveneCharacters) conflicts: #(false) Receiver's instance variables: superclass: SwazooSite methodDict: a MethodDictionary() format: 154 instanceVariables: #('style' 'settings' 'systemServices' 'userServices' 'timest...etc... organization: nil subclasses: nil name: #AIDASite classPool: nil sharedPools: nil environment: nil category: nil traitComposition: nil localSelectors: nil [| newCategory oldCategory needNew force organization | unsafe ifFalse: [(self validateSuperclass: newSuper forSubclass: oldClass) ifFalse: [^ nil]. (self validateInstvars: instVars from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper) ifFalse: [^ nil]. (self validateClassvars: classVars from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper) ifFalse: [^ nil]. (self validateSubclassFormat: type from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper extra: instVars size) ifFalse: [^ nil]]. needNew := self needsSubclassOf: newSuper type: type instanceVariables: instVars from: oldClass. needNew ifNil: [^ nil]. (needNew and: [unsafe not]) ifTrue: [(self tooDangerousClasses includes: oldClass name) ifTrue: [self error: oldClass name , ' cannot be changed']. (oldClass ~~ nil and: [oldClass shouldNotBeRedefined]) ifTrue: [self notify: oldClass name asText allBold , ' should not be redefined. \Proceed to store over it.' withCRs]]. needNew ifTrue: [newClass := self newSubclassOf: newSuper type: type instanceVariables: instVars from: oldClass. newClass ifNil: [^ nil]. newClass setName: className] ifFalse: [newClass := oldClass]. force := (newClass declare: classVarString) | (newClass sharing: poolString). newCategory := category asSymbol. organization := environ ifNotNil: [environ organization]. oldClass isNil ifFalse: [oldCategory := (organization categoryOfElement: oldClass name) asSymbol]. organization classify: newClass name under: newCategory. newClass environment: environ. newClass := self recompile: force from: oldClass to: newClass mutate: false. (environ at: newClass name ifAbsent: []) == newClass ifFalse: [environ at: newClass name put: newClass. Smalltalk globals flushClassNameCache]. copyOfOldTraitComposition ifNotNil: [newClass setTraitComposition: copyOfOldTraitComposition]. copyOfOldClassTraitComposition ifNotNil: [newClass class setTraitComposition: copyOfOldClassTraitComposition]. newClass doneCompiling. oldClass isNil ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classAdded: newClass inCategory: newCategory. ^ newClass]. newCategory ~= oldCategory ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance class: newClass recategorizedFrom: oldCategory to: category] ifFalse: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classDefinitionChangedFrom: copyOfOldClass to: newClass]] in ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariableNames:c lassVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category:unsafe: Receiver: a ClassBuilder Arguments and temporary variables: className: #AIDASite newSuper: SwazooSite type: #normal classVarString: 'Default Dialect Instance RandomGen SloveneCharacters' poolString: '' category: #'Aida-Core' unsafe: false oldClass: nil instVars: #('style' 'settings' 'systemServices' 'userServices' 'timestamps' 'co...etc... classVars: #(#Default #Dialect #Instance #RandomGen #SloveneCharacters) copyOfOldClass: nil copyOfOldTraitComposition: nil copyOfOldClassTraitComposition: nil newClass: an Array(AIDASite) newCategory: nil oldCategory: nil needNew: true force: nil organization: nil Receiver's instance variables: environ: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) classMap: nil instVarMap: an IdentityDictionary() progress: nil maxClassIndex: nil currentClassIndex: nil BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: [| newCategory oldCategory needNew force organization | unsafe ifFalse: [(self validateS...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [copyOfOldClass ifNotNil: [copyOfOldClass superclass removeSubclass: ...etc... complete: nil returnValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariable...etc. .. startpc: 348 numArgs: 0 ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariableNames:c lassVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category:unsafe: Receiver: a ClassBuilder Arguments and temporary variables: className: #AIDASite env: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) newSuper: SwazooSite type: #normal instVarString: 'style settings systemServices userServices timestamps counters'...etc... classVarString: 'Default Dialect Instance RandomGen SloveneCharacters' poolString: '' category: #'Aida-Core' unsafe: false oldClass: nil instVars: #('style' 'settings' 'systemServices' 'userServices' 'timestamps' 'co...etc... classVars: #(#Default #Dialect #Instance #RandomGen #SloveneCharacters) copyOfOldClass: nil copyOfOldTraitComposition: nil copyOfOldClassTraitComposition: nil newClass: an Array(AIDASite) Receiver's instance variables: environ: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) classMap: nil instVarMap: an IdentityDictionary() progress: nil maxClassIndex: nil currentClassIndex: nil ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariableNames:c lassVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category: Receiver: a ClassBuilder Arguments and temporary variables: className: #AIDASite env: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) newSuper: SwazooSite type: #normal instVarString: 'style settings systemServices userServices timestamps counters'...etc... classVarString: 'Default Dialect Instance RandomGen SloveneCharacters' poolString: '' category: #'Aida-Core' Receiver's instance variables: environ: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) classMap: nil instVarMap: an IdentityDictionary() progress: nil maxClassIndex: nil currentClassIndex: nil MCClassDefinition>>createClass Receiver: a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) Arguments and temporary variables: superClass: SwazooSite class: nil composition: nil Receiver's instance variables: name: #AIDASite superclassName: #SwazooSite variables: an OrderedCollection(a MCInstanceVariableDefinition(style) a MCInsta...etc... category: #'Aida-Core' type: #normal comment: 'AIDASite as the most important class is an Aida/Web website with its ...etc... commentStamp: '<historical>' traitComposition: nil classTraitComposition: nil MCClassDefinition>>load Receiver: a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) Arguments and temporary variables: class: nil Receiver's instance variables: name: #AIDASite superclassName: #SwazooSite variables: an OrderedCollection(a MCInstanceVariableDefinition(style) a MCInsta...etc... category: #'Aida-Core' type: #normal comment: 'AIDASite as the most important class is an Aida/Web website with its ...etc... commentStamp: '<historical>' traitComposition: nil classTraitComposition: nil MCClassDefinition(MCDefinition)>>addMethodAdditionTo: Receiver: a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) Arguments and temporary variables: aCollection: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a MethodAdd...etc... Receiver's instance variables: name: #AIDASite superclassName: #SwazooSite variables: an OrderedCollection(a MCInstanceVariableDefinition(style) a MCInsta...etc... category: #'Aida-Core' type: #normal comment: 'AIDASite as the most important class is an Aida/Web website with its ...etc... commentStamp: '<historical>' traitComposition: nil classTraitComposition: nil [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] in [additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] in [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad Receiver: a MCPackageLoader Arguments and temporary variables: ea: a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) Receiver's instance variables: requirements: #() unloadableDefinitions: a SortedCollection() obsoletions: a Dictionary() additions: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Aida-Admin' #'Ai...etc... removals: an OrderedCollection() errorDefinitions: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassD...etc... provisions: a Set(#UTF8DecomposedTextConverter #PackageMethodNodeExample #Resou...etc... methodAdditions: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a Metho...etc... [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: [count + 1 = size or: [(Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs]]) ifTrue: [bar value: count. oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock value: each) ifNil: [oldLabel]) ifFalse: [ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: (oldLabel := newLabel)]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue]. aBlock value: each. count := count + 1] in [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: [count + 1 = size or: [(Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs]]) ifTrue: [bar value: count. oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock value: each) ifNil: [oldLabel]) ifFalse: [ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: (oldLabel := newLabel)]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue]. aBlock value: each. count := count + 1]] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCMetho...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: <<error during printing> Receiver's instance variables: array: an Array(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a M...etc... firstIndex: 1 lastIndex: 207 OrderedCollection>>do: Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCMetho...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: [count + 1 = size or: [(T...etc... index: 1 Receiver's instance variables: array: an Array(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a M...etc... firstIndex: 1 lastIndex: 207 [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: [count + 1 = size or: [(Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs]]) ifTrue: [bar value: count. oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock value: each) ifNil: [oldLabel]) ifFalse: [ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: (oldLabel := newLabel)]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue]. aBlock value: each. count := count + 1]] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCMetho...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: <<error during printing> Receiver's instance variables: array: an Array(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a M...etc... firstIndex: 1 lastIndex: 207 [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction Receiver: ProgressInitiationException: Arguments and temporary variables: progress: [:barValArg | | barVal return newBarSize | barVal := barValArg. ret...etc... result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... maxVal: 207 minVal: 0 aPoint: 311@323 progressTitle: '' BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress] Arguments and temporary variables: exception: ProgressNotification handlerAction: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph un...etc... handlerActive: true Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification...etc... startpc: 83 numArgs: 0 [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction Receiver: ProgressInitiationException: Arguments and temporary variables: progress: [:barValArg | | barVal return newBarSize | barVal := barValArg. ret...etc... result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... maxVal: 207 minVal: 0 aPoint: 311@323 progressTitle: '' BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extr...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [SystemProgressMorph close: progress] complete: nil returnValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction startpc: 77 numArgs: 0 ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction Receiver: ProgressInitiationException: Arguments and temporary variables: progress: [:barValArg | | barVal return newBarSize | barVal := barValArg. ret...etc... result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... maxVal: 207 minVal: 0 aPoint: 311@323 progressTitle: '' MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction: Receiver: a MorphicUIManager Arguments and temporary variables: anException: ProgressInitiationException: Receiver's instance variables: interactiveParser: nil ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction Receiver: ProgressInitiationException: Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... maxVal: 207 minVal: 0 aPoint: 311@323 progressTitle: '' UndefinedObject>>handleSignal: Receiver: nil Arguments and temporary variables: exception: ProgressInitiationException: Receiver's instance variables: nil MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: ProgressInitiationException: val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(17039360)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [aBlock value] MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: ProgressInitiationException: val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(17039360)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStr...etc... MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: ProgressInitiationException: val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do:...etc... pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(17039360)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress] MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: ProgressInitiationException: val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do:...etc... pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(17039360)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [result := workBlock value: progress] MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: ProgressInitiationException: val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProg...etc... pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(17039360)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingPro...etc... ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal Receiver: ProgressInitiationException: Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... maxVal: 207 minVal: 0 aPoint: 311@323 progressTitle: '' ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during: Receiver: ProgressInitiationException: Arguments and temporary variables: argString: '' argPoint: 311@323 argMinVal: 0 argMaxVal: 207 argWorkBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 o...etc... Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... maxVal: 207 minVal: 0 aPoint: 311@323 progressTitle: '' ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during: Receiver: ProgressInitiationException Arguments and temporary variables: aString: '' aPoint: 311@323 minVal: 0 maxVal: 207 workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... Receiver's instance variables: superclass: Exception methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#defaultAction->(ProgressInitiationException>>#d...etc. .. format: 150 instanceVariables: #('workBlock' 'maxVal' 'minVal' 'aPoint' 'progressTitle') organization: ('*Morphic' defaultMorphicAction) ('accessing' maxVal minVal poin...etc... subclasses: nil name: #ProgressInitiationException classPool: nil sharedPools: nil environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) category: #'UIManager-Support' traitComposition: {} localSelectors: nil ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during: Receiver: '' Arguments and temporary variables: aPoint: 311@323 minVal: 0 maxVal: 207 workBlock: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: ...etc... Receiver's instance variables: '' OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCMetho...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: <<error during printing> Receiver's instance variables: array: an Array(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a M...etc... firstIndex: 1 lastIndex: 207 OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress: Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCMetho...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] aStringOrBlock: 'Reloading...' Receiver's instance variables: array: an Array(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a M...etc... firstIndex: 1 lastIndex: 207 [additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] in [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad Receiver: a MCPackageLoader Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: requirements: #() unloadableDefinitions: a SortedCollection() obsoletions: a Dictionary() additions: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Aida-Admin' #'Ai...etc... removals: an OrderedCollection() errorDefinitions: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassD...etc... provisions: a Set(#UTF8DecomposedTextConverter #PackageMethodNodeExample #Resou...etc... methodAdditions: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a Metho...etc... BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading class...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: exception: InMidstOfFileinNotification handlerAction: [:n | n resume: true] handlerActive: true Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayi...etc... startpc: 112 numArgs: 0 [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad Receiver: a MCPackageLoader Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: requirements: #() unloadableDefinitions: a SortedCollection() obsoletions: a Dictionary() additions: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Aida-Admin' #'Ai...etc... removals: an OrderedCollection() errorDefinitions: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassD...etc... provisions: a Set(#UTF8DecomposedTextConverter #PackageMethodNodeExample #Resou...etc... methodAdditions: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a Metho...etc... BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading clas...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [self flushChangesFile] complete: nil returnValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad startpc: 108 numArgs: 0 MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad Receiver: a MCPackageLoader Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: requirements: #() unloadableDefinitions: a SortedCollection() obsoletions: a Dictionary() additions: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Aida-Admin' #'Ai...etc... removals: an OrderedCollection() errorDefinitions: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassD...etc... provisions: a Set(#UTF8DecomposedTextConverter #PackageMethodNodeExample #Resou...etc... methodAdditions: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a Metho...etc... [self basicLoad] in MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: Receiver: a MCPackageLoader Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: requirements: #() unloadableDefinitions: a SortedCollection() obsoletions: a Dictionary() additions: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Aida-Admin' #'Ai...etc... removals: an OrderedCollection() errorDefinitions: an OrderedCollection(a MCClassDefinition(AIDASite) a MCClassD...etc... provisions: a Set(#UTF8DecomposedTextConverter #PackageMethodNodeExample #Resou...etc... methodAdditions: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a Metho...etc... --- The full stack --- [:var | (self bindingOf: var) notNil ifTrue: [DuplicatedVariableError new variable: var; signal: var , ' is defined elsewhere'. conflicts := true]] in AIDASite class(Class)>>declare: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: AIDASite class(Class)>>declare: [| newCategory oldCategory needNew force organization | unsafe ifFalse: [(self validateSuperclass: newSuper forSubclass: oldClass) ifFalse: [^ nil]. (self validateInstvars: instVars from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper) ifFalse: [^ nil]. (self validateClassvars: classVars from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper) ifFalse: [^ nil]. (self validateSubclassFormat: type from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper extra: instVars size) ifFalse: [^ nil]]. needNew := self needsSubclassOf: newSuper type: type instanceVariables: instVars from: oldClass. needNew ifNil: [^ nil]. (needNew and: [unsafe not]) ifTrue: [(self tooDangerousClasses includes: oldClass name) ifTrue: [self error: oldClass name , ' cannot be changed']. (oldClass ~~ nil and: [oldClass shouldNotBeRedefined]) ifTrue: [self notify: oldClass name asText allBold , ' should not be redefined. \Proceed to store over it.' withCRs]]. needNew ifTrue: [newClass := self newSubclassOf: newSuper type: type instanceVariables: instVars from: oldClass. newClass ifNil: [^ nil]. newClass setName: className] ifFalse: [newClass := oldClass]. force := (newClass declare: classVarString) | (newClass sharing: poolString). newCategory := category asSymbol. organization := environ ifNotNil: [environ organization]. oldClass isNil ifFalse: [oldCategory := (organization categoryOfElement: oldClass name) asSymbol]. organization classify: newClass name under: newCategory. newClass environment: environ. newClass := self recompile: force from: oldClass to: newClass mutate: false. (environ at: newClass name ifAbsent: []) == newClass ifFalse: [environ at: newClass name put: newClass. Smalltalk globals flushClassNameCache]. copyOfOldTraitComposition ifNotNil: [newClass setTraitComposition: copyOfOldTraitComposition]. copyOfOldClassTraitComposition ifNotNil: [newClass class setTraitComposition: copyOfOldClassTraitComposition]. newClass doneCompiling. oldClass isNil ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classAdded: newClass inCategory: newCategory. ^ newClass]. newCategory ~= oldCategory ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance class: newClass recategorizedFrom: oldCategory to: category] ifFalse: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classDefinitionChangedFrom: copyOfOldClass to: newClass]] in ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariableNames:c lassVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category:unsafe: BlockClosure>>ensure: ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariableNames:c lassVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category:unsafe: ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariableNames:c lassVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category: MCClassDefinition>>createClass MCClassDefinition>>load MCClassDefinition(MCDefinition)>>addMethodAdditionTo: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] in [additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] in [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: [count + 1 = size or: [(Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs]]) ifTrue: [bar value: count. oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock value: each) ifNil: [oldLabel]) ifFalse: [ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: (oldLabel := newLabel)]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue]. aBlock value: each. count := count + 1] in [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: [count + 1 = size or: [(Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs]]) ifTrue: [bar value: count. oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock value: each) ifNil: [oldLabel]) ifFalse: [ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: (oldLabel := newLabel)]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue]. aBlock value: each. count := count + 1]] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: OrderedCollection>>do: [:bar | self do: [:each | | newLabel | (count = 0 or: [count + 1 = size or: [(Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs]]) ifTrue: [bar value: count. oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock value: each) ifNil: [oldLabel]) ifFalse: [ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: (oldLabel := newLabel)]. lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue]. aBlock value: each. count := count + 1]] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction BlockClosure>>on:do: [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction BlockClosure>>ensure: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction UndefinedObject>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during: ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during: ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during: OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress: [additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] in [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad BlockClosure>>on:do: [[additions do: [:ea | self loadClassDefinition: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading classes...'. additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Compiling methods...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea addMethodAdditionTo: methodAdditions] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodAdditions do: [:each | each installMethod]. methodAdditions do: [:each | each notifyObservers]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad BlockClosure>>ensure: MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad [self basicLoad] in MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [aBlock value] in MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed:during: BlockClosure>>ensure: MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed:during: MCPackageLoader>>useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: MCVersionLoader>>loadWithNameLike: MCVersionLoader>>load MetacelloGoferLoad(GoferLoad)>>execute [goferLoad := MetacelloGoferLoad on: Gofer new. goferLoad addResolved: resolvedReference. goferLoad execute. MetacelloPlatform current clearCurrentVersionCache] in [| loadBlock answers resolvedReference goferLoad | aGofer disablePackageCache. resolvedReference := self resolvePackageSpec: packageSpec gofer: aGofer. resolvedReference isNil ifTrue: [^ self]. loadBlock := [goferLoad := MetacelloGoferLoad on: Gofer new. goferLoad addResolved: resolvedReference. goferLoad execute. MetacelloPlatform current clearCurrentVersionCache]. (answers := packageSpec answers) notEmpty ifTrue: [loadBlock valueSupplyingMetacelloAnswers: answers] ifFalse: [loadBlock value]. resolvedReference workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: aPackageLoadDirective repository. Transcript cr; show: 'Loaded -> ' , resolvedReference name , ' --- ' , aPackageLoadDirective repository description , ' --- ' , resolvedReference repository description] in MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDi rective:gofer: [| loadBlock answers resolvedReference goferLoad | aGofer disablePackageCache. resolvedReference := self resolvePackageSpec: packageSpec gofer: aGofer. resolvedReference isNil ifTrue: [^ self]. loadBlock := [goferLoad := MetacelloGoferLoad on: Gofer new. goferLoad addResolved: resolvedReference. goferLoad execute. MetacelloPlatform current clearCurrentVersionCache]. (answers := packageSpec answers) notEmpty ifTrue: [loadBlock valueSupplyingMetacelloAnswers: answers] ifFalse: [loadBlock value]. resolvedReference workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: aPackageLoadDirective repository. Transcript cr; show: 'Loaded -> ' , resolvedReference name , ' --- ' , aPackageLoadDirective repository description , ' --- ' , resolvedReference repository description] in MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDi rective:gofer: [:bar | bar value: 1. aBlock value. bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying: [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction BlockClosure>>on:do: [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction BlockClosure>>ensure: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction UndefinedObject>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during: ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during: ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during: MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying: MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDi rective:gofer: MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadPackage Directive:gofer: MetacelloPackageLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: [:directive | directive loadUsing: aLoaderDirective gofer: aGofer] in MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearL oadDirective:gofer: OrderedCollection>>do: MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearL oadDirective:gofer: MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: [:directive | directive loadUsing: aLoaderDirective gofer: aGofer] in MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearL oadDirective:gofer: OrderedCollection>>do: MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearL oadDirective:gofer: MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadWithPol icy: MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>load MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>doLoad [fetchLoader doLoad] in [| fetchLoader | fetchLoader := self fetchRequiredFromArray: anArray. MetacelloPlatform current do: [fetchLoader doLoad] displaying: 'Loading ' , displayString. Transcript cr; show: '...finished ' , self versionNumber printString. ^ fetchLoader] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: [:bar | bar value: 1. aBlock value. bar value: 2] in MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying: [result := workBlock value: progress] in [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction BlockClosure>>on:do: [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: [:ex | ex extraParam isString ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: progress put: ex extraParam]. ex resume]] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction BlockClosure>>ensure: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction MorphicUIManager>>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction: ProgressInitiationException>>defaultAction UndefinedObject>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal ProgressInitiationException>>display:at:from:to:during: ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during: ByteString(String)>>displayProgressAt:from:to:during: MetacelloPharoPlatform>>do:displaying: [| fetchLoader | fetchLoader := self fetchRequiredFromArray: anArray. MetacelloPlatform current do: [fetchLoader doLoad] displaying: 'Loading ' , displayString. Transcript cr; show: '...finished ' , self versionNumber printString. ^ fetchLoader] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: BlockClosure>>ensure: MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: MetacelloMCVersion>>load ConfigurationOfAida class>>load UndefinedObject>>DoIt Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream in: ctxt to: rcvr notifying: self morph ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil. ^ #failedDoit] logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection BlockClosure>>on:do: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection [textMorph editor evaluateSelection] in PluggableShoutMorph(PluggableTextMorph)>>doIt [result := editBlock value] in PluggableShoutMorph(PluggableTextMorph)>>handleEdit: TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleEdit: PluggableShoutMorph(PluggableTextMorph)>>handleEdit: PluggableShoutMorph(PluggableTextMorph)>>doIt UndefinedObject(Object)>>perform:orSendTo: [| selArgCount | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 ifTrue: [target perform: selector] ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments] ifFalse: [target perform: selector withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]]] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: BlockClosure>>ensure: CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>mouseUp: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>handleMouseUp: MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent: MenuMorph>>handleFocusEvent: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder handleFocusEvent: (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: BlockClosure>>on:do: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: HandMorph>>handleEvent: HandMorph>>processEvents [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: WorldState>>handsDo: WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: WorldState>>doOneSubCycleFor: PasteUpMorph>>doOneSubCycle MenuMorph>>invokeModalAt:in:allowKeyboard: MenuMorph>>invokeModal: MenuMorph>>invokeModal PluggableShoutMorph(PluggableTextMorph)>>yellowButtonActivity: TextMorphForEditView>>mouseDown: TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleMouseDown: MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleEvent: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: TransformMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: PluggableShoutMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: SystemWindow(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchMouseDown:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: PasteUpMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: PasteUpMorph>>processEvent:using: PasteUpMorph(Morph)>>processEvent: HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: HandMorph>>handleEvent: HandMorph>>processEvents [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: WorldState>>handsDo: WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess [self value. Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess |
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