I guess you mean using the back button together with AJAX actions?
Then you would need to use #action:hash: for that, and using the route
stream to restore the state, see
Bernat Romagosa <
[hidden email]> writes:
> Hi list,
> Some users of our app are complaining they can't use the back button, so
> I've been checking the code in iliad.js to see if I could make it work, and
> I've noticed there's some code meant to handle this:
> /* ---
> * Enable bookmarking for ajax actions
> * and fix the back button
> * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
> But it doesn't seem to work. Is there a flag that has to be set in order
> for it to work? Or was that a feature that never worked?
> Thanks!
> Bernat.
> --
> Bernat Romagosa.
Nicolas Petton