Bag of Permutations

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Bag of Permutations

Ginny Hendry
I  would  like  to  get a collection of permutations of another
collection but I can't make it work.

This ends up incorrectly with the same element many times in Bag p:

| m p |
m := #(1 2 3).
p := Bag new.
m permutationsDo: [:each |
        Transcript show: each ; cr.
        p add: each.
        Transcript show: p ; cr.
Transcript show: '------'; cr.
p do: [:each| Transcript show: each; cr]

But  this very similar code ends up correctly with different
elements in Bag p:

| m p |
m := #(1 2 3).
p := Bag new.
m do: [:each |
        Transcript show: each ; cr.
        p add: each.
        Transcript show: p ; cr.
Transcript show: '------'; cr.
p do: [:each| Transcript show: each; cr]

Any ideas about what am I doing wrong?  How can I get a collection of permutations?

Working in Pharo 1.4 one-click for Mac OSX.



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Re: Bag of Permutations

Paul DeBruicker
I don't know why you'd need to make a copy inside the block but this works:

| m p |
m := #(1 2 3).
p := Bag new.
m permutationsDo: [:each |
         Transcript show: each ; cr.
         p add: each copy.
         Transcript show: p ; cr.
Transcript show: '------'; cr.
p do: [:each| Transcript show: each; cr]

The Transcript shows:

#(1 2 3)
a Bag(#(1 2 3))
#(1 3 2)
a Bag(#(1 2 3) #(1 3 2))
#(2 1 3)
a Bag(#(1 2 3) #(1 3 2) #(2 1 3))
#(2 3 1)
a Bag(#(2 3 1) #(1 2 3) #(1 3 2) #(2 1 3))
#(3 2 1)
a Bag(#(2 3 1) #(1 2 3) #(1 3 2) #(2 1 3) #(3 2 1))
#(3 1 2)
a Bag(#(2 3 1) #(1 2 3) #(1 3 2) #(2 1 3) #(3 2 1) #(3 1 2))
#(2 3 1)
#(1 2 3)
#(1 3 2)
#(2 1 3)
#(3 2 1)
#(3 1 2)

On 10/01/2012 10:14 AM, Ginny Hendry wrote:

> I  would  like  to  get a collection of permutations of another
> collection but I can't make it work.
> This ends up incorrectly with the same element many times in Bag p:
> | m p |
> m := #(1 2 3).
> p := Bag new.
> m permutationsDo: [:each |
> Transcript show: each ; cr.
> p add: each.
> Transcript show: p ; cr.
> ].
> Transcript show: '------'; cr.
> p do: [:each| Transcript show: each; cr]
> But  this very similar code ends up correctly with different
> elements in Bag p:
> | m p |
> m := #(1 2 3).
> p := Bag new.
> m do: [:each |
> Transcript show: each ; cr.
> p add: each.
> Transcript show: p ; cr.
> ].
> Transcript show: '------'; cr.
> p do: [:each| Transcript show: each; cr]
> Any ideas about what am I doing wrong?  How can I get a collection of permutations?
> Working in Pharo 1.4 one-click for Mac OSX.
> Thanks.
>    -Ginny