Hi Tim,
Sure this is possible (with the latest Zn of course):
ZnClient new
url: '
http://climatedataapi.worldbank.org/climateweb/rest/v1/country/annualavg/pr'; addPath: { '20190101'. '20191231'. #bel };
I do not know how to use this API to get actual data, but the above succeeds with an empty JSON result.
If you study #forJsonREST you should be able to figure out how this is done.
Here is another example (from the unit tests):
ZnClient new
url: '
http://easy.t3-platform.net/rest/geo-ip'; queryAt: 'address' put: '';
And a very simple one:
ZnClient new
get: '
Note that the result depends a bit on whether NeoJSON is loaded or not (the fallback is to use STONJSON which is always present in the image).
> On 20 Mar 2020, at 14:14, Tim Mackinnon <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I’m finally finding some space from world chaos and looking more into Pharo, and I have a question about retrieving json data from feeds - how is the best way to elegantly parse it - e.g.
> I am doing :
> url := ZnUrl fromString: '
> url addPathSegments: {aDate1 asString. aDate2 asString. aCountryCode}.
> result := ZnEasy get: url.
> content := STONJSON fromString: result contents.
> ...
> However I was kind of surprised there wasn't something on a ZnResponse for getting json objects e.g.
> result getJsonObjects
> or something like that?
> It’s so common I wonder if I am missing some trick? What aren’t there helpers in place for this or is there a better way to do this that I haven’t found yet?
> I was kind of thinking something like (which obviously I can add myself)
> result asJsonObjects sum: [:obj | (obj at: ‘annualData’) first ]
> Tim