Beta bugs policy

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Beta bugs policy

Andy Bower

Since Chris and Alan have brought this up recently I'd just like to
re-iterate the bugs policy for this newsgroup. We'd prefer that bugs that
exist in D4 (and now D5) be reported on the standard Dolphin newsgroup. That
way they'll be allocated defect #s and prioritised accordingly and any reply
will be visible to all Dolphin users.

The idea in this newsgroup is to register the bugs that have, for whatever
reason, been newly introduced into D5. Since we are working hard to get the
new version out this means that bugs that have been about since D4 will
(depending on specific instances) probably be prioritized lower.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Beta bugs policy

Joseph Pelrine-3
OK, but...I just switched to Dolphin, and don't even have D4 installed...


Andy Bower wrote:

> Folks,
> Since Chris and Alan have brought this up recently I'd just like to
> re-iterate the bugs policy for this newsgroup. We'd prefer that bugs that
> exist in D4 (and now D5) be reported on the standard Dolphin newsgroup. That
> way they'll be allocated defect #s and prioritised accordingly and any reply
> will be visible to all Dolphin users.
> The idea in this newsgroup is to register the bugs that have, for whatever
> reason, been newly introduced into D5. Since we are working hard to get the
> new version out this means that bugs that have been about since D4 will
> (depending on specific instances) probably be prioritized lower.
> Best Regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> ---
> Are you trying too hard?
> ---

Joseph Pelrine [ | ]
MetaProg GmbH
Email: [hidden email]

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