Better debugging...

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Re: Better debugging...

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Toon Verwaest <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm working on porting this idea already to the Glamour debugger.

The idea is basically to use meta-circular interpreters as a way to specify what semantics you want, but for speed reasons you might want to flatten out the interpretation by combining both. This however should all be done behind the scenes, independent of the definition of the debugger.

More elaborate debuggers such as the alias debugger can be implemented but there's no good way yet to separate the data spaces involved. That's where me and Erwann are looking at how to maybe use a GC that can run multiple different versions code at the same time while synchronizing the shared data between the versions of the code.

I am not sure if I understood correctly, but you may want to take a look to Gemstone. As far as I remember they can have not only different versions of a certain class at the same time, but also  instances of a specific class version all living together at the same time.
For example in the case of the alias debugger, that needs aliases everwhere; but all the global data (classes, methods, ...) is not aliased. To make this work you actually want to have a "copy" of the global data that is aliased, but kept in sync with the original data. Here it starts making a lot of sense to have thread-local heaps + a versioned but synced global heap.

Of course that's all still wishful thinking... step by step :)


On 04/25/2011 11:29 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
I think a nice way to have a decent debugger is to run the program on top of a changeable interpreter. Since a classical debugger is nothing else but an interpreter with slightly changed semantics.

The object flow VM does a great job at tracing back stuff.. however it might pose a massive overhead since it collects tons and tons of data.

In Pinocchio[1] we implemented very nice and simple debuggers by "just" changing the current interpreter to take a user-action into account on each message send. Since this is implemented on top of a metacircular interpreter this was quite simple to achieve. So the whole implementation of the known debugger functionality (step, over...) maybe took an afternoon. Since you have access to the full interpreter protocol it is very easy to intercept different sorts of actions. As described in the linked paper, it was very easy to implement the object-flow behavior in Pinocchio.

So for me there is only one real way to have a decent debugger. And that means that it is a first-class interpreter whose semantics I can change at will. Thus I can create a specific debugger for my applications.

But I guess that making the first-class interpreters work right away in Pharo will take a while to do, hence I propose the following additions to the current interpreter to make it partly useable:

- interception of message sends
       - per thread [ok]
       - of specific classes [missing]
       - of specific instances [missing]

- interception of instance variable access, read/write
       - per thread [missing]
       - of specific classes [missing]
       - of specific instances [missing]
       - of specific instance variables [missing]

Furthermore I really want to be able to script all of that stuff, eg. provide a simple test block that gets invoked on each message send. Returning true =>  halt, Returning false =>  continue execution.



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Re: Better debugging...

Toon Verwaest-2

> I am not sure if I understood correctly, but you may want to take a
> look to Gemstone. As far as I remember they can have not only
> different versions of a certain class at the same time, but also  
> instances of a specific class version all living together at the same
> time.
Thanks for the pointer, but yeah, I know about Gemstone. Our ideas are
slightly different however...

The idea is more to have multiple versions of the same live instance at
the same time in memory; depending on the version of the code they are
related to. This threads running in different versions can look at the
same instances but have a slightly different view on the object graph.

The only objects that will have different versions are global objects,
hence the thread-local pools to avoid overhead when unnecessary. Then
since threads are related to versions, we would have different heaps for
the different versions of the global space.

For example in the case of the alias debugger, the debugger has a view
on the world that is completely aliased. Its version of the heap will
look like that. The rest of the code would however immediately break if
it would access the global state in that format since the alias-wrappers
are unexpected. So we have 2 versions of the global heap, 1 with aliases
and 1 without.

For further reading, look at Erwann's active context.
