Cincom is looking for a developer to join the Cincom Smalltalk team.
Specifically, we are looking for someone with a background in web
technologies, such as:
- Ajax development
- Javascript development - including knowledge of Prototype and
- Web 2.0 Design
- Knowledge of CSS
- Graphics Design Skills
- The Seaside framework
- Experience with major databases, such as Oracle, SQL Server,
DB/2, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
- Web/Database interaction, especially the ActiveRecord pattern
- RESTful API design
Experience with newer technologies like Microsoft Silverlight and
Adobe AIR, and Ruby on Rails would be helpful, but is not required.
Knowledge of GLORP would be helpful as well.
Disgruntled Rails Developers are welcome to apply :)
Interested? Send your resume to [hidden email].
Make sure to refence PRF 3015 in your subject line.
Update: The position is not required to
be in Cincinnati - we would greatly prefer a North American based
person, however.
Original post on James Robertsons blog:
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]