Binary filing classes bug ?

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Binary filing classes bug ?

Chris Uppal-3
I just posted an example of using binary packages, and while I was putting it
together I noticed what I think is a bug.

The first version of the test class had a method:

        Transcript nextPutAll: 'It worked!'; cr.

but that apparently caused the class STBer to include the Transcript itself in
the deployed .pak file.  Then attempting to load the test class from the .pak
file tried to reconstitute the Transcript and failed with walkbacks.

    -- chris

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Re: Binary filing classes bug ?

Blair McGlashan

You wrote in message news:3e59ec52$0$9694$[hidden email]...
> I just posted an example of using binary packages, and while I was putting

> together I noticed what I think is a bug.
> The first version of the test class had a method:
> ============
>     tryMe
>         Transcript nextPutAll: 'It worked!'; cr.
> ============
> but that apparently caused the class STBer to include the Transcript
itself in
> the deployed .pak file.  Then attempting to load the test class from the
> file tried to reconstitute the Transcript and failed with walkbacks.

By default globals are not proxied (it has to be done explicitly by the
class of the object, or the client), so probably TranscriptShell needs an
#stbSaveOn: method. We haven't bothered with that because the Transcript is
really a development time only window in Dolphin.



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Re: Binary filing classes bug ?

Andy Bower

> > The first version of the test class had a method:
> >
> > ============
> >     tryMe
> >         Transcript nextPutAll: 'It worked!'; cr.
> > ============
> >
> > but that apparently caused the class STBer to include the Transcript
> itself in
> > the deployed .pak file.  Then attempting to load the test class from the
> .pak
> > file tried to reconstitute the Transcript and failed with walkbacks.
> By default globals are not proxied (it has to be done explicitly by the
> class of the object, or the client), so probably TranscriptShell needs an
> #stbSaveOn: method. We haven't bothered with that because the Transcript
> really a development time only window in Dolphin.

Perhaps I should add that, in general, a better way of "tracing" is to use:

NotificationManager signal: aString

since this will log to the transcript in the development system and can also
be trapped and redirected in a deployed app. The default for a deployed app
(implemented by SessionManager>>trace:) is to use

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?