Bitmap VS WordArray in System-Hashing

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Bitmap VS WordArray in System-Hashing


With Max M., we try to kill the dependency between System-Hashing to Graphics - Display Objects.
The dependency is there because SHA1 and SHA256 use the Bitmap class to store raw data.
We came to replace the use of Bitmap by a WordArray. Tests are still working.

Could someone tell us if this fix is right or if we miss something?

Max and Christophe

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Re: Bitmap VS WordArray in System-Hashing

Max Leske

> On 18 Sep 2015, at 13:51, Christophe Demarey <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> With Max M., we try to kill the dependency between System-Hashing to Graphics - Display Objects.
> The dependency is there because SHA1 and SHA256 use the Bitmap class to store raw data.
> We came to replace the use of Bitmap by a WordArray. Tests are still working.
> Could someone tell us if this fix is right or if we miss something?
> Thanks,
> Max and Christophe

Looks good to me. Also: the ‘totals’ variable (which is the bitmap) is never used in SHA-256 (only written once and then assigned nil later).
