Bitmap related problem...

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Bitmap related problem...

I'm using Dolphin SmallTalk 2.1 and I have some questions related
with bitmap operations.  First I'd like to know how to save a Bitmap or
any Canvas to an external file (not neccessarily as an .bmp file but
just to be able to load it later into an Bitmap object). Then how can I
organize all bitmaps that I'm using in one class to save them all just
to one file - do I have to create my own "Bitmap manager" or any system
class would be of any help ?
    Second question is if I can show (and if so then how) a bitmap with
transparency ?
    I couldn't change a version of Smalltalk so any answers that I
should change into a newer version would be of no help for me. Thanx
for help in advance...

    -=> Coper <=-

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Re: Bitmap related problem...

Bill Schwab-2
>     I'm using Dolphin Smalltalk 2.1 and I have some questions related
> with bitmap operations.  First I'd like to know how to save a Bitmap or
> any Canvas to an external file (not neccessarily as an .bmp file but
> just to be able to load it later into an Bitmap object).

The best way I know to create bitmap files is to use Ian's DIBitmap class,
or one its successors.

> Then how can I
> organize all bitmaps that I'm using in one class to save them all just
> to one file - do I have to create my own "Bitmap manager" or any system
> class would be of any help ?

It's not terribly elegant, but, the usual way to do this is to create a
single bitmap with the sub-images stacked from left to right.  Knowing how
large each bitmap is, you can then locate the one you want.

>     Second question is if I can show (and if so then how) a bitmap with
> transparency ?

The best place I know of to get information on this kind of thing is
Petzold's book.  Look for rastar operations, aka "ROP" associated with
BitBlt.  FWIW, I think the book was at its best around the third edition;
before that, it wasn't fully polished, and since then, one can argue that
it's bloated too much for its own good.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]