Blobs and MSSQL Server / ODBC

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Blobs and MSSQL Server / ODBC
Hello @All

I am having some trouble working with a BLOB field on a MSSQL Server database (access is via ODBC)

Table definition is with the following field definitions

ID (int, NOT NULL)
PDFData (varbinary(MAX), NULL)

When I try to retrieve data from the database, the rowdata for the PDFData field is always only one byte long.

It crashes in AbtForeignOSObject=>abtByteArrayAt:length:

where VAST tries to access more than 1 byte from the "reference" which is only one byte long.

I also tried it with a varchar(MAX) field, the crash is now in AbtForeignOSObject=>abtCharArrayAt:length:. Same thing - reference is 1-byte long. (length is correct for the string length on the database)

Any ideas?
Kind regards


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Re: Blobs and MSSQL Server / ODBC
It seems to be some sort of chicken-egg problem.

The structure to load the data is defined in 

AbtCursor -> newEmptyRow

However for the varchar or varbinary fields, the length 0 is assumed. This obviously does not fit. Any ideas?? Should the row be modified later in order to create space for the data?

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