Bloc Example Errors & question

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Bloc Example Errors & question

Ricardo Pacheco
I was reviewing the Bloc examples because I'm looking for a way to connect
several blocks like this:  <>
. The idea is that if I move the block, the link with other blocks is kept.
I could not find any similar example. Any hint would be appreciated.

Also, while reviewing the examples in the latest Pharo 6, some crashed and a
couple even let Pharo unresponsive:

BlBasicExamples >> example3D          (crash)
BlBasicExamples >> exampleWithImage      
BlBenchmark >> example_821nestedEl_in1000x1000_mouseMove50ms     (crash)
BlMobilePhone >> open



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Re: Bloc Example Errors & question

Aliaksei Syrel
Hi Ricardo,

Some examples such as example3D are meant to be experimental, so I moved them a bit far away from main examples.
Additionally, we deprecated position: and it took some time to update examples, but now they should work :)

In order to connect elements with lines you would need to use BlLineElement. Corresponding examples can be found in Bloc-Examples-Line category.
In attachment I send a short video showing how lines behave when anchor elements are dragged/resized.
P.S. Just for fun I also attached a video of example3D. It is nothing special, just shows how to integrate OpenGL in Bloc. During esug Ronie told me that using UFFI-OpenGL is not the best approach.

On 14 October 2017 at 00:55, Ricardo Pacheco <[hidden email]> wrote:
I was reviewing the Bloc examples because I'm looking for a way to connect
several blocks like this:  <>
. The idea is that if I move the block, the link with other blocks is kept.
I could not find any similar example. Any hint would be appreciated.

Also, while reviewing the examples in the latest Pharo 6, some crashed and a
couple even let Pharo unresponsive:

BlBasicExamples >> example3D          (crash)
BlBasicExamples >> exampleWithImage
BlBenchmark >> example_821nestedEl_in1000x1000_mouseMove50ms     (crash)
BlMobilePhone >> open



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Re: Bloc Example Errors & question

Sean P. DeNigris
Aliaksei Syrel wrote
> During esug Ronie told me that using UFFI-OpenGL is not the best approach.
> ​

Don't leave us hanging! What is the right/better approach?!

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Re: Bloc Example Errors & question

Ricardo Pacheco
In reply to this post by Aliaksei Syrel
Really impressive Alex, congratulations and thanks for the great work.

Just as a feedback, I tried the examples again with a new image+bloc, under
windows 10, and now most of the examples run but others still don't, like
all the Animation, MobilePhone, Selectionand some in the Benchmarks.

Thanks a lot


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