Block reversed

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Block reversed

Howard Oh
Block is one of the reasons that makes Smalltalk so lovable. But
sometimes, block can make expressions very hard to read, because we
human read parameter object first and then read inside the block just
like Smalltalk runtime would do. This makes our reading cursor jump to
right end and then back to left.

A guick example that can depict this point can be...

[:x| x sqrt ] value: ([:x| x + 5 ] value: ([:x| x * x ] value: 2))

An idea came up to me a few minutes ago,

Define a method for Object

Object>>--> aBlock

    ^aBlock value: self

This new method can transform the example expression to...

2 --> [:x| x * x ] --> [:x| x + 5 ] --> [:x| x sqrt ]

Have a good one

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Re: Block reversed

Chris Uppal-3

> [:x| x sqrt ] value: ([:x| x + 5 ] value: ([:x| x * x ] value: 2))
> This new method can transform the example expression to...
> 2 --> [:x| x * x ] --> [:x| x + 5 ] --> [:x| x sqrt ]

I like that.  Very nice :)

    -- chris

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Re: Block reversed

Wolfgang Eder-3
In reply to this post by Howard Oh
I agree that the --> is easier to read.
However, I am not sure why you want to use
blocks this way in the first place?

| x y z |
x := 2.
y := x * x.
z := y + 5.
z sqrt

or even:

| x |
x := 2.
x := x * x.
x := x + 5.
x sqrt


Howard Oh wrote:

> Block is one of the reasons that makes Smalltalk so lovable. But
> sometimes, block can make expressions very hard to read, because we
> human read parameter object first and then read inside the block just
> like Smalltalk runtime would do. This makes our reading cursor jump to
> right end and then back to left.
> A guick example that can depict this point can be...
> [:x| x sqrt ] value: ([:x| x + 5 ] value: ([:x| x * x ] value: 2))
> An idea came up to me a few minutes ago,
> Define a method for Object
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Object>>--> aBlock
>     ^aBlock value: self
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This new method can transform the example expression to...
> 2 --> [:x| x * x ] --> [:x| x + 5 ] --> [:x| x sqrt ]
> Have a good one
> Howard