Bootstrap for Seaside question

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Bootstrap for Seaside question

Hi all,

I'm using Bootstrap for Seaside to make a small web app for managing the hardware resources (Lego Mindstorms! :-) ) of a course I am giving next semester. Bootstrap for Seaside is really cool, it allows to quickly build something that looks very polished. Thanks Torsten!

But now I have a question: I am using buttons at some place in the app (to remove a registered inventory), but I cannot get the callback to work, the examples do not show how to do it. The code I have is below:

html tbsButton
        callback: [inv inspect];
        with: 'Delete!'.

How do I make this work? It seems strange to need to to place an anchor in the button for it to work.

---> Save our in-boxes! <---

Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile