On Nov 25, 2013, at 8:20 AM, Torsten Bergmann <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Bootstrap for Seaside is really cool, it allows to quickly build something that looks very polished. Thanks Torsten!
> You're welcome. In return you should send give a screenshot and short description
> for the Pharo success story page. The more showcases we have the better it is…
Once I have it complete I will provide some material for the page, gladly!
> Regarding your question:
> #tbsButton returns a button as the name says.
> TBSButtonTag is a subclass of WAButtonTag because the offical examples
> are also using <button>
> See
> But a button should also support #callback:
> So it is not an anchor by default.
> Make sure to have a #form: around it and #children is correct. Otherwise
> callbacks will not work.
OK I got it working by putting it in a form. Thanks for that!
> Note: you can also leave out the whole bootstrap wrapping part and use
> Bootstrap styles directly, for instance with an anchor:
> html anchor
> class: 'btn btn-default';
> callback: ...
> with: []
> Haven tested since I have no image at hand - but should work out of the box.
Whoa now I am out of my depth … I only know basic seaside and basic HTML (hacking it by hand in emacs), which is why your package appealed to me ;-)
> One could easily wrap this into a #tbsAnchorButton and "WAAnchorTag subclass: #TBSAnchorButtonTag"
> supporting the same API.
> Contribute code + tests if you like. I added you on STHub.
Thanks for the offer and the confidence ! As I said, I am not an expert. But if I can lend a hand I will be happy to ...
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Johan Fabry -
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