Bootstrap on squeak

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Bootstrap on squeak

Bob Arning-2
I'm poking around with loading Bootstrap in a squeak image and wonder about this:

renderButtonsSizesOn: html


    html paragraph: 'Create block level buttons—

That last character causes squeak to make the String a WideString with the result that http://localhost:9999/bootstrap/browser/Buttons renders incompletely. Does that work ok on pharo?


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Re: Bootstrap on squeak

Daniel Lyons

Bob Arning writes:

> I'm poking around with loading Bootstrap in a squeak image and wonder
> about this:
> renderButtonsSizesOn: html
> ...
>      html paragraph: 'Create block level buttons---
> ...
> That last character causes squeak to make the String a WideString with
> the result that http://localhost:9999/bootstrap/browser/Buttons renders
> incompletely. Does that work ok on pharo?

It does work in Pharo, you can see it here:

I have no idea what to tell you about Squeak though.

Daniel Lyons
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