Bootstrap3 to Bootstrap 4

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Bootstrap3 to Bootstrap 4

Jeff Gray
I have moved my code from using Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4. There were a few
updates I had to make and overall it seems cleaner.
The one thing I can't seem to convert is informSuccess. There doesn't seem
to be an equivalent in Bootstrap 4.
For now I am using the vanilla Seaside inform, which is ok but it doesn't
look bootstrappy.
My use case is when I have performed an action on a page, then I want to
display a message and then redirect to a different page.
ie on a "I forgot My Password" page I send an email to the entered address.
Then I display a message to say that the email was sent. When the user
clicks ok they are redirected to the login page.

Is there a better way to handle this than with an inform?  

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