Hi ben,
If you don't touch the new error and keep stepping over in the
original debugger, it does not get confused. It's not really a
"solution" though, merely an observation.
The issue is not related to the restart. It comes from stepping
over a message with a breakpoint.
For example, if you also set a breakpoint on the "b := 2" node and
step over it, there is the same issue. Example code:
Object compile: 'myTest2
|a b c|
a := 1.
b := 2.
c := 3'.
Breakpoint new node: (Object>>#myTest2) ast; install.
Breakpoint new node: (Object>>#myTest2) ast children first
statements second; install. "Installing breakpoint on node b := 2"
Object new myTest2.
"<over>, <over>, <over> -> issue"
In your example, here's what happens:
- you run the test
- the breakpoint triggers, and stops the execution
- you step over two times
- you restart, which means the next code to be executed is now the
breakpoint that was inserted at the start of the test method
- you step over a breakpoint, which causes the issue.
A very similar issue occurs when stepping over a 'self halt'.
On 04/08/2019 17:09, Ben Coman wrote:
I trying to set a breakpoint programatically so that users
can be dropped into the custom script they can add to a
system. I try...
Object compile: 'myTest
|a b c|
a := 1.
b := 2.
c := 3'.
Breakpoint new node: (Object>>#myTest) ast; install.
Object new myTest.
"click <over> <over> <restart>
but the following error appears and the debugger gets
What am I doing wrong?
cheers -ben