Browse classes by category

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Browse classes by category

Vaidas Didzbalis
Is it possible to browse classes by category in system browser in Dolphin?

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Re: Browse classes by category

Blair McGlashan

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> Is it possible to browse classes by category in system browser in Dolphin?
> Vaidas

No. We only really maintain class categories in Dolphin for backwards
compatibility (and a few miscellaneous uses), and consequently we provide
only minimal tool support for these.

Having said that, I don't think it would be too much of a challenge to
implement, since the browsers in Dolphin are highly componentised, and it
would mostly be a matter of replacing the "class selection" component, which
is a PackagedClassSelector in the case of the system browser.



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Re: Browse classes by category

Vaidas Didzbalis
> We only really maintain class categories in Dolphin for backwards
> compatibility (and a few miscellaneous uses), and consequently we provide
> only minimal tool support for these.
But why?


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Re: Browse classes by category

Andy Bower-2

> > We only really maintain class categories in Dolphin for backwards
> > compatibility (and a few miscellaneous uses), and consequently we
> > only minimal tool support for these.
> But why?

Because we found we hardly ever used them. The allocation of classes to
categories always seemed pretty arbitrary to us. We regarded the idea of a
system browser that grouped classes based on package to be much more useful.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?