Browser Panes (or is it Pains??)

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Browser Panes (or is it Pains??)

Tony Giaccone-2

I downloaded squeak to try out the UI Generator created by the Haso Plattner Institiute.  

When I did that I noticed that the squeak system browser has a feature that solves one of my constant annoyances in pharo.

The panes of the browser are re-sizeable in the x direction. I can make different panels different sizes.

Is there a setting or someway to easily add this capability to the Pharo System Browser?

Tony Giaccone
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Re: Browser Panes (or is it Pains??)

Benjamin Van Ryseghem (Pharo)
Wait for Nautilus, the next generation browser, it should be in 1.4 :)


On Jun 23, 2011, at 3:00 PM, Tony Giaccone wrote:

> I downloaded squeak to try out the UI Generator created by the Haso Plattner Institiute.  
> When I did that I noticed that the squeak system browser has a feature that solves one of my constant annoyances in pharo.
> The panes of the browser are re-sizeable in the x direction. I can make different panels different sizes.
> Is there a setting or someway to easily add this capability to the Pharo System Browser?
> Tony Giaccone

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Re: Browser Panes (or is it Pains??)

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Tony Giaccone-2
> I downloaded squeak to try out the UI Generator created by the Haso Plattner Institiute.  
> When I did that I noticed that the squeak system browser has a feature that solves one of my constant annoyances in pharo.
> The panes of the browser are re-sizeable in the x direction. I can make different panels different sizes.
> Is there a setting or someway to easily add this capability to the Pharo System Browser?

it depends on which browser you use. If you use OB you cannot.

> Tony Giaccone