Browsing over a subset of classes

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Browsing over a subset of classes

Wojciech Zaborowski
Hi all

I am just working on enhancing CHB so that it would be
capable of browsing over a subset of classes+methods space.

Anybody did it or saw such a goodie ?
If no - I hope I will manage to do it and share and my results here.

Wojciech Zaborowski
[hidden email]

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Re: Browsing over a subset of classes

Bill Schwab-2

> I am just working on enhancing CHB so that it would be
> capable of browsing over a subset of classes+methods space.
> Anybody did it or saw such a goodie ?
> If no - I hope I will manage to do it and share and my results here.

Ian posted a goodie that turns the local tree filter into a package filter -
highly recommended!

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Browsing over a subset of classes

Wojciech Zaborowski
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:8tvjjo$dinf$[hidden email]...
> Wojciech,
> Ian posted a goodie that turns the local tree filter into a package filter -
> highly recommended!

Thanks a lot Bill. I found this posting from Ian sent on 1-Aug-2000.
BTW - I have quickly found it using DSDN nice thing. DSDN is nice
however newsgroup archive does not include mail attachments. It seems
like we are going to lose all this valuable software because of switching
to comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin (old newsgroup will be killed some time from now
- according to Andy).

Of course Ian's trick works and is simple. However I am going to do something more
(so to say...) sophisticated namely:
  1. capable of browsing over arbitrary set of classes
  2. adding a class to this subset by simply dragging it from another CHB window
  3. subset means method/protocols/categories filtering too
  4. synchronization (adding and deleting class/method propagates to all
     active browsers)
  5. fast browsing (Ian's solution is simple but a little slow)
  6. protocol browser compatible with the framework

I would like to have a browser which really allows to focus on solving
one problem. Let "layer" denote such browsable subset of classes/methods/protocols.
Then while working on a project, developer works on a couple of layers. These layers
(=the way things were logically partitioned to layers) are important element
of technical documentation of the project.

In some way this is simply extension to old idea of class categories.
BTW it is interesting that dolphin classes ARE categorized in old good Smalltlak-80
style ! For example try to evaluate this:

ClassCategory allInstances do: [:x |
  Transcript cr; show: '----'; show: x name;cr.
  Class allSubinstances do: [:c |
    (c category = x) ifTrue: [Transcript show: '   ';show: c name;cr]]]

It is a pity that (so far) dolphin browsers are not showing class categories.
OK, context menu in the class pane in CHB contains "category" but I bet you 5 pounds
that hardly one knows that and no one uses).

Not being discouraged I am going to use this in my browser. The fact that given class
category spans a layer means that my browser will also be (functionally) extending
the classical CHB found in Smalltalk-80 (Squeak alse has such a browser for example).

I hope all said above will end with some usable and nice little goodie ;-)

Wojciech Zaborowski
[hidden email]

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Re: Browsing over a subset of classes

Ian Bartholomew
"Wojciech Zaborowski" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:8tvp10$fhh$[hidden email]...

> however newsgroup archive does not include mail attachments. It seems
> like we are going to lose all this valuable software because of switching
> to comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin (old newsgroup will be killed some time
from now
> - according to Andy).

I don't include attachments in the archive for a number of reasons -
- Size of downloads
- It would slow down searching
- I'd have to write decoders to convert from text back to binary

However, I do keep originals of all the archived articles and attachments
so, as the web page states, if anyone wants an attachment then they only
have to ask.

> It is a pity that (so far) dolphin browsers are not showing class

?. Select a class in the CHB and look at the title bar. The class category
is shown in brackets.


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Re: Browsing over a subset of classes

Christopher J. Demers
In reply to this post by Wojciech Zaborowski
Wojciech Zaborowski <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:8tvp10$fhh$[hidden email]...
> Of course Ian's trick works and is simple. However I am going to do
something more
> (so to say...) sophisticated namely:
>   1. capable of browsing over arbitrary set of classes
>   2. adding a class to this subset by simply dragging it from another CHB
>   3. subset means method/protocols/categories filtering too
>   4. synchronization (adding and deleting class/method propagates to all
>      active browsers)
>   5. fast browsing (Ian's solution is simple but a little slow)
>   6. protocol browser compatible with the framework

I think this sounds like a great idea.  I came from IBM VAST, and I really
got used to working with a class hierarchy limited to an application.  I had
my program partitioned into a number of different applications, and could
limit my browsers to these sets of classes.  I did something similar to
Ian's trick, but I do miss some of the enhanced browsing features of VAST.
