[Bug - Pharo 5.0] Remove a class but not remove for RPackage

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[Bug - Pharo 5.0] Remove a class but not remove for RPackage

Yann Dubois

When I delete a class, a window pop to inform me that some methods use this class. So I remove the methods because they are not usefull without my class to removed.

But when I close the window, the methods stay on the Browser, so I remove this methods on the Browser.

Then, I remove an other class and "BOOM" an error appears, the key which represents my class is not present in the SystemDictionnary (it's normal), but I can find the key in the RPackage metaclasses.
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Re: [Bug - Pharo 5.0] Remove a class but not remove for RPackage

do you have a reprocible case?


Le 13/4/16 15:02, Yann Dubois a écrit :

> Hello,
> When I delete a class, a window pop to inform me that some methods use
> this class. So I remove the methods because they are not usefull
> without my class to removed.
> But when I close the window, the methods stay on the Browser, so I
> remove this methods on the Browser.
> Then, I remove an other class and "BOOM" an error appears, the key
> which represents my class is not present in the SystemDictionnary
> (it's normal), but I can find the key in the RPackage metaclasses.

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Re: [Bug - Pharo 5.0] Remove a class but not remove for RPackage

Blondeau Vincent
In reply to this post by Yann Dubois



First, which version of Pharo do you have? (run: Smalltalk lastUpdateString).


Second, I cannot reproduce your bug. Can you create a simple and dummy example (with classes A and B for instance) that enlightens the problem?





De : Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Yann Dubois
Envoyé : mercredi 13 avril 2016 15:02
À : Any question about pharo is welcome
Objet : [Pharo-users] [Bug - Pharo 5.0] Remove a class but not remove for RPackage




When I delete a class, a window pop to inform me that some methods use this class. So I remove the methods because they are not usefull without my class to removed.


But when I close the window, the methods stay on the Browser, so I remove this methods on the Browser.


Then, I remove an other class and "BOOM" an error appears, the key which represents my class is not present in the SystemDictionnary (it's normal), but I can find the key in the RPackage metaclasses.

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Re: [Bug - Pharo 5.0] Remove a class but not remove for RPackage

Ben Coman
In reply to this post by Yann Dubois
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Yann Dubois <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> When I delete a class, a window pop to inform me that some methods use this
> class. So I remove the methods because they are not usefull without my class
> to removed.
> But when I close the window, the methods stay on the Browser, so I remove
> this methods on the Browser.
> Then, I remove an other class and "BOOM" an error appears, the key which
> represents my class is not present in the SystemDictionnary (it's normal),
> but I can find the key in the RPackage metaclasses.

Partly it could be that Browser is not being told to update. If you
can reproduce it, try opening a new second Browser before modifying
anything more through the first Browser.

cheers -ben

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Re: [Bug - Pharo 5.0] Remove a class but not remove for RPackage

Yann Dubois
For exemple I have 2 packages

 - ClassA
 - ClassB

I delete ClassA from the PackageA, so Pharo tell me that the method #iDependToClassA use the content of the ClassA.
I delete the #iDependToClassA method but on the Browser, the method is not deleted. I remove the method on the Browser and then,
At this moment, I see the methods was not deleted because it stay on the metaclass when I want get the method references of the ClassB (with RPackage>>methodReferences).

Same think was happen after with a Class