Bugs in VersionResource. The strings in the StringFileInfo structure were
written with commas instead of dots. Several methods we corrected and private method deleted. The change is mostly backward compatible because the setter still accepts the 'N,N,N,N' format instead of the correct 'N.N.N.N' format. The confusion came I think from the following fact. The file and product versions are stored as numbers and strings in a version resource. The standard resource compiler expects the numbers in the format N,N,N,N but the display in the explorer is still N.N.N.N. The string variant of the version can be any string but usually is just the printed version of the number variant. It could include things like "RC2" for example and a little different formatting. E.g. notepad.exe from Microsoft has the file version number "5.0.2140.1" but the file version strings "5.00.2140.1". The VersionResource in Dolphin updates the string always with the printed version of the number variant which is I think ok. The only bug was it used commas instead of dots. The fixes are included (including method deletions which are flagged with #toBeDeleted): !VersionResource methodsFor! decodeVersionString: versionString "Private - Answer a two element <Array> of 32-bit <integer>, being the most and least significant (respectively) version numbers composed from the <readableString> argument, which is expected to be in the standard 'N.N.N.N' (preferred) or 'N,N,N,N' format." | words stream i | words := Array new: 4 withAll: 0. stream := versionString readStream. i := 0. [i < words size and: [stream skipWhile: [:c | c isDigit not]]] whileTrue: [ i := i + 1. words at: i put: (Integer readFrom: stream)]. ^Array with: (DWORD new highWord: (words at: 1); lowWord: (words at: 2); asInteger) with: (DWORD new highWord: (words at: 3); lowWord: (words at: 4); asInteger)! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #decodeVersionString:!helpers!private! ! !VersionResource methodsFor! fileVersion "Answer the <readableString> file version number for the receiver in the standard 'N.N.N.N' format." "CHA FIX: documentation and correct format." ^self fixedInfo fileVersionString! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #fileVersion!accessing!public! ! !VersionResource methodsFor! fileVersion: versionString "Set the file version number for the receiver from the <readableString> argument, expected to be in the 'N.N.N.N' (preferred) or 'N,N,N,N' format." "CHA FIX: Write the stings in the correct N.N.N.N format and documentation change." | versions | versions := self decodeVersionString: versionString. "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO does not have any write accessors at present" self fixedInfo bytes dwordAtOffset: 8 put: versions first; dwordAtOffset: 12 put: versions last. stringTables do: [:table | (table includesKey: 'FileVersion') ifTrue: [ table at: 'FileVersion' put: self fileVersion]] ! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #fileVersion:!accessing!public! ! !VersionResource methodsFor! fixedInfo "Answer the value of the receiver's ''fixedInfo'' instance variable." ^fixedInfo! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #fixedInfo!accessing!public! ! !VersionResource methodsFor! formatVersionString: versions "Private - Answer a <readableString> version number composed from the two integer arguments, representing the most and least significant 32-bit version numbers respectively, in the standard 'N,N,N,N' format." "CHA FIX: use dots instead of commas for the STRINGFILEINFO. This method is no longer used and should be deleted (should be no problem because it is private." #toBeDeleted. ^String writeStream print: versions first highWord; nextPutAll: '.'; print: versions first lowWord; nextPutAll: '.'; print: versions last highWord; nextPutAll: '.'; print: versions last lowWord; contents! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #formatVersionString:!helpers!private! ! !VersionResource methodsFor! productVersion "Answer the <readableString> product version number for the receiver in the standard 'N,N,N,N' format." "CHA FIX: documenation and correct format." ^self fixedInfo productVersionString! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #productVersion!accessing!public! ! !VersionResource methodsFor! productVersion: versionString "Set the product version number for the receiver from the <readableString> argument, expected to be in the 'N.N.N.N' (preferred) or 'N,N,N,N' format." "CHA FIX: Write the stings in the correct N.N.N.N format and documentation change." | versions | versions := self decodeVersionString: versionString. "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO does not have any write accessors at present" self fixedInfo bytes dwordAtOffset: 16 put: versions first; dwordAtOffset: 20 put: versions last. stringTables do: [:table | (table includesKey: 'ProductVersion') ifTrue: [ table at: 'ProductVersion' put: self productVersion]]! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #productVersion:!accessing!public! ! !VersionResource methodsFor! versionStringFormat "Private - Answer a Win32 format <String> to be used for formatting version numbers." "CHA FIX: This private method is no longer used and should be deleted." #toBeDeleted. ^'%1!!d!!.%2!!d!!.%3!!d!!.%4!!d!!'! ! !VersionResource categoriesFor: #versionStringFormat!constants!private! ! |
is this fix accepted for 5.1.5? Regards Carsten "Carsten Haerle" <[hidden email]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:41120dc6$0$27030$[hidden email]... > Bugs in VersionResource. The strings in the StringFileInfo structure were > written with commas instead of dots. Several methods we corrected and > private method deleted. The change is mostly backward compatible because the > setter still accepts the 'N,N,N,N' format instead of the correct 'N.N.N.N' > format. > > The confusion came I think from the following fact. The file and product > versions are stored as numbers and strings in a version resource. The > standard resource compiler expects the numbers in the format N,N,N,N but the > display in the explorer is still N.N.N.N. The string variant of the version > can be any string but usually is just the printed version of the number > variant. It could include things like "RC2" for example and a little > different formatting. E.g. notepad.exe from Microsoft has the file version > number "5.0.2140.1" but the file version strings "5.00.2140.1". The > VersionResource in Dolphin updates the string always with the printed > version of the number variant which is I think ok. The only bug was it used > commas instead of dots. > > The fixes are included (including method deletions which are flagged with > #toBeDeleted): > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > decodeVersionString: versionString > "Private - Answer a two element <Array> of 32-bit <integer>, being the most > and least significant > (respectively) version numbers composed from the <readableString> argument, > which is > expected to be in the standard 'N.N.N.N' (preferred) or 'N,N,N,N' format." > > | words stream i | > words := Array new: 4 withAll: 0. > stream := versionString readStream. > i := 0. > [i < words size and: [stream skipWhile: [:c | c isDigit not]]] whileTrue: [ > i := i + 1. > words at: i put: (Integer readFrom: stream)]. > ^Array with: (DWORD new > highWord: (words at: 1); > lowWord: (words at: 2); > asInteger) > with: (DWORD new > highWord: (words at: 3); > lowWord: (words at: 4); > asInteger)! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #decodeVersionString:!helpers!private! ! > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > fileVersion > "Answer the <readableString> file version number for the receiver in the > standard 'N.N.N.N' format." > "CHA FIX: documentation and correct format." > > ^self fixedInfo fileVersionString! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #fileVersion!accessing!public! ! > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > fileVersion: versionString > "Set the file version number for the receiver from the <readableString> > argument, expected to be in the 'N.N.N.N' (preferred) or 'N,N,N,N' > "CHA FIX: Write the stings in the correct N.N.N.N format and documentation > change." > > | versions | > versions := self decodeVersionString: versionString. > > "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO does not have any write accessors at present" > self fixedInfo bytes > dwordAtOffset: 8 put: versions first; > dwordAtOffset: 12 put: versions last. > > stringTables do: [:table | > (table includesKey: 'FileVersion') ifTrue: [ > table at: 'FileVersion' put: self fileVersion]] > ! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #fileVersion:!accessing!public! ! > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > fixedInfo > "Answer the value of the receiver's ''fixedInfo'' instance variable." > > ^fixedInfo! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #fixedInfo!accessing!public! ! > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > formatVersionString: versions > "Private - Answer a <readableString> version number composed from the two > integer arguments, representing > the most and least significant 32-bit version numbers respectively, in > standard 'N,N,N,N' format." > "CHA FIX: use dots instead of commas for the STRINGFILEINFO. This method is > no longer used and should be deleted (should be no problem because it is > private." > > #toBeDeleted. > ^String writeStream > print: versions first highWord; > nextPutAll: '.'; > print: versions first lowWord; > nextPutAll: '.'; > print: versions last highWord; > nextPutAll: '.'; > print: versions last lowWord; > contents! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #formatVersionString:!helpers!private! ! > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > productVersion > "Answer the <readableString> product version number for the receiver in > standard 'N,N,N,N' format." > "CHA FIX: documenation and correct format." > > ^self fixedInfo productVersionString! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #productVersion!accessing!public! ! > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > productVersion: versionString > "Set the product version number for the receiver from the > argument, expected to be in the 'N.N.N.N' (preferred) or 'N,N,N,N' format." > "CHA FIX: Write the stings in the correct N.N.N.N format and documentation > change." > > | versions | > versions := self decodeVersionString: versionString. > > "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO does not have any write accessors at present" > self fixedInfo bytes > dwordAtOffset: 16 put: versions first; > dwordAtOffset: 20 put: versions last. > > stringTables do: [:table | > (table includesKey: 'ProductVersion') ifTrue: [ > table at: 'ProductVersion' put: self productVersion]]! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #productVersion:!accessing!public! ! > > !VersionResource methodsFor! > > versionStringFormat > "Private - Answer a Win32 format <String> to be used for formatting > numbers." > "CHA FIX: This private method is no longer used and should be deleted." > > #toBeDeleted. > ^'%1!!d!!.%2!!d!!.%3!!d!!.%4!!d!!'! ! > !VersionResource categoriesFor: #versionStringFormat!constants!private! ! > > > > |
"Carsten Haerle" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:411cb975$0$26161$[hidden email]... > Blair, > > is this fix accepted for 5.1.5? > I'm not convinced there is a bug to fix. We just followed the lead of Visual Studio (6 as it was at the time) in using a string representation printed with commas. We also adopted its same behaviour of automatically sync'ing the string product and file versions with the number version when the latter is updated, but not vice versa. This allows one to store additional information in the string representation if one wishes, as long as this is set after setting the numeric version numbers. I don't know of any standard for these, indeed as far as I am aware it isn't even required that the string version numbers be present at all, and since they are purely for display purposes and have no fixed format, I don't see any particularly compelling reason to change it in a patch level. Regards Blair |
You are right that the there isn't a standard really requiring that.
Actually it is only a convention and you could write anything into the version resource and you can append additional things like "RC2" for example. The widly accepted standard is however the dot notation, which is also how the explorer formats the number representation. I also checked some other resources: 1) On my system 94% of all EXEs and DLL use the standard dot notation. If you just check the Microsoft DLLs and EXE it is even 99% (including most VisualStudio 6 (98) files). The comma notation is used mostly in programs which violate several other Microsoft guidelines as well, so I suspect these programmers simply confused the resource compiler syntax with the usual string syntax. 2) MSDN: ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2003OCT.1033/tools/tools/stringfileinfo_block.htm Mentions the dot notation also as an example. I think Dolphin should also follow common conventions when generating EXEs and it is also easier to understand, because there are not two formats, and it took my some hours to understand why Dolphin (uncessarily) deals with two formats instead of only one (the dot format). If you want to divert from the common convention you can still set the string version to something else manually or use special code to do so, but you shouldn't have additional work to have "standard" programs. BTW: Originally this problem was reported by a customer to me and then I started the investigation why almost all DLLs and EXEs use dots and only my Dolphin generated programs had commas in it. Regards Carsten Härle "Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[hidden email]... > "Carsten Haerle" <[hidden email]> wrote in message > news:411cb975$0$26161$[hidden email]... > > Blair, > > > > is this fix accepted for 5.1.5? > > > > I'm not convinced there is a bug to fix. We just followed the lead of Visual > Studio (6 as it was at the time) in using a string representation printed > with commas. We also adopted its same behaviour of automatically sync'ing > the string product and file versions with the number version when the latter > is updated, but not vice versa. This allows one to store additional > information in the string representation if one wishes, as long as this is > set after setting the numeric version numbers. > > I don't know of any standard for these, indeed as far as I am aware it isn't > even required that the string version numbers be present at all, and since > they are purely for display purposes and have no fixed format, I don't see > any particularly compelling reason to change it in a patch level. > > Regards > > Blair > > |
"Carsten Haerle" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:411e0320$0$24819$[hidden email]... > You are right that the there isn't a standard really requiring that. > Actually it is only a convention and you could write anything into the > version resource and you can append additional things like "RC2" for > example. The widly accepted standard is however the dot notation, which is > also how the explorer formats the number representation. I also checked > some > other resources: > > 1) On my system 94% of all EXEs and DLL use the standard dot notation. If > you just check the Microsoft DLLs and EXE it is even 99% (including most > VisualStudio 6 (98) files). The comma notation is used mostly in programs > which violate several other Microsoft guidelines as well, ... Well strictly speaking it is not violating any Microsoft guidelines is it, at least not any that you or we are aware of. >....so I suspect these > programmers simply confused the resource compiler syntax with the usual > string syntax. I think it more likely that they just accepted the default which Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 creates for a new project. A reasonable thing to do given that it was Microsoft's premier development environment for nearly 5 years. Or possibly they got fed up with changing it to dots (if indeed they thought there was any reason to do so) because VC++ 6 will only automatically update the string version numbers to match the numeric ones if the string version number is comma separated. Actually with this in mind I'm surprised that quite so many version resources do use dots. > > 2) MSDN: > ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2003OCT.1033/tools/tools/stringfileinfo_block.htm > Mentions the dot notation also as an example. > > I think Dolphin should also follow common conventions when generating EXEs > and it is also easier to understand, because there are not two formats, > and > it took my some hours to understand why Dolphin (uncessarily) deals with > two > formats instead of only one (the dot format). If you want to divert from > the > common convention you can still set the string version to something else > manually or use special code to do so, but you shouldn't have additional > work to have "standard" programs. > Well, I agree, I just think it is a minor cosmetic issue that is not of sufficient importance to change in a patch level. There is after all no actual published standard, and it only relates to a display-only text field that often contains free format additional text, so any tool that read version numbers (such as an installer) would have to use the numeric version numbers anyway. > BTW: Originally this problem was reported by a customer to me and then I > started the investigation why almost all DLLs and EXEs use dots and only > my > Dolphin generated programs had commas in it. If we define a cosmetic issue as something which adversely affects the user experience (usually the visual experience) without impairing functionality, then the format of the string version numbers might just about count, although even there its arguable since one is free to define ones own format for the string version numbers anyway. Sounds like good news for you and your customer that he/she is down at the level of reporting issues that are only of very minor cosmetic effect :-). Regards Blair |
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