Hi Smalltalkers,
I am new to this list. Just downloadad and started Pharo
Seaside-3.1-OneClick under Linux in order to get my hands on jquery
mobile development.
As the documentations suggest I first performed:
Gofer it
url: '
http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/jQueryMobile'; package: 'ConfigurationOfJQueryMobile';
ConfigurationOfJQueryMobile loadBleedingEdge.
Now when I direct my browser to
it displays the error: "MessageNotUnderstood:
I was curious and modified JQMHtmlRoot>>closeOn: in the debugger like
closeOn: aDocument
"aDocument scriptGenerator >> I did comment this 2 lines
close: self on: aDocument pageId: self pageId."
self writeFootOn: aDocument
and it works, I can browse thru the JQMobile examples now.
However, I guess this is not really the way to go.
Comments or advices anybody?