Bug in Nautilus... (Pharo 3)

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Bug in Nautilus... (Pharo 3)

José Comesaña
If I try to "move to another package" a class I always get an exception. Try moving any class present in the standard Pharo 3 to AST-Core, for example...

Anyway, thanks for the great work you are doing.


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Re: Bug in Nautilus... (Pharo 3)


> If I try to "move to another package" a class I always get an exception.

Yes me too and I added a bug entry. Thanks for reporting and we should
fix that.

> Try moving any class present in the standard Pharo 3 to AST-Core, for
> example...
> Anyway, thanks for the great work you are doing.

Remember Pharo is yours and you can get an impact :)
and have  a lot of fun.
> Regards
> José