Bug in PublishPundleDialog>>updateFiles

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Bug in PublishPundleDialog>>updateFiles

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Re: Bug in PublishPundleDialog>>updateFiles

Niall Ross
It does indeed seem a classic case of modifying the iteration collection
in the iteration block.  AR 61154 created to fix it.

>I attached several files to bundle.
>Later, I want remove these files, but get exception in method
>I analize code and:
> | pundleModel fileDescriptions |
> pundleModel := self specList first dbPundle.
> fileDescriptions := pundleModel fileDescriptions.
> self fileList do:
> [:each |
> each publish ifTrue:
> [(fileDescriptions contains: [:eachFile | eachFile portableFilename
>asString = each name])
> ifTrue:
> [pundleModel removeFile: each name.
> pundleModel addFile: each name]
> ifFalse: [pundleModel addFile: each name]]].
> fileDescriptions := pundleModel fileDescriptions.   (!!!!! get collection.
>Need make copy of collection !!!!)
> fileDescriptions do:
> [:each |
> (self fileList contains: [:eachFile | eachFile name = each
>portableFilename asString]) ifFalse:
> [pundleModel removeFile: each portableFilename asString (!!! remove
>element from collection !!!)]]

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