Cyclic errors are appeared when there are no active application window
yet. Parent window handle should points to desktop: messageBox: anExternalHandle text: textString caption: captionString style: styleInteger icon: iconIdentifier instance: hInstance | iconId struct wasDisabled hWnd response isTaskModal | isTaskModal := styleInteger allMask: MB_TASKMODAL. hWnd := isTaskModal ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [anExternalHandle ifNil: [UserLibrary default getActiveWindow ifNil: [UserLibrary default getDesktopWindow]]]. ... <methods remains skipped> ... D. Zamotkin |
"Dmitry Zamotkin" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > Cyclic errors are appeared when there are no active application window > yet. Parent window handle should points to desktop: > > messageBox: anExternalHandle text: textString caption: captionString > style: styleInteger icon: iconIdentifier instance: hInstance > | iconId struct wasDisabled hWnd response isTaskModal | > isTaskModal := styleInteger allMask: MB_TASKMODAL. > hWnd := isTaskModal > ifTrue: [0] > ifFalse: > [anExternalHandle > ifNil: [UserLibrary default getActiveWindow ifNil: [UserLibrary > default getDesktopWindow]]]. > > ... <methods remains skipped> ... Yes, this is a known problem "2107: UserLibrary>>messageBox:text:caption:style:icon:instance: fails if there are no open windows", first reported by Steve Waring & Ted Bracht. Sorry you've been bitten by it. It will be fixed in 6.03, in the meantime patch below. Regards Blair ----------------- !UserLibrary methodsFor! messageBox: anExternalHandle text: textString caption: captionString style: styleInteger icon: iconIdentifier instance: hInstance | iconId struct wasDisabled hWnd response isTaskModal | isTaskModal := styleInteger allMask: MB_TASKMODAL. hWnd := isTaskModal ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: ["#2107: getActiveWindow may return nil, e.g. in a headless app with no windows" anExternalHandle ifNil: [UserLibrary default getActiveWindow ifNil: [0]]]. struct := MSGBOXPARAMS new. struct dwStyle: styleInteger. struct lpszText: textString. struct lpszCaption: captionString. iconId := iconIdentifier. iconId isNil ifFalse: ["#1633: On NT systems if the icon has a string resource identifier it must be passed as a Unicode string even though we are calling the ANSI version of the MessageBoxIndirect() function!!. This is obviously a Windows bug which we need to work around." (iconId isInteger not and: [OSVERSIONINFO current isNT]) ifTrue: [iconId := iconId asUnicodeString]. struct lpszIcon: iconId asDword. hInstance notNil ifTrue: [struct hInstance: hInstance asParameter]]. struct hwndOwner: hWnd. isTaskModal ifTrue: ["If taskModal, then the owner will be the desktop so we need to get actual active view" hWnd := self getActiveWindow. "Ensure owner is (temporarily) enabled to prevent losing activation when box is closed" (wasDisabled := (self isWindowEnabled: hWnd) not) ifTrue: [self enableWindow: hWnd bEnable: true]. response := [SessionManager inputState startIdleTimer: hWnd. "Task modal only disables windows in the calling thread, so we can't use an overlapped call here." self messageBoxIndirect: struct] ensure: [SessionManager inputState stopIdleTimer: hWnd]] ifFalse: [wasDisabled := (self isWindowEnabled: hWnd) not. "MessageBoxIndirect is called using an overlapped call on a separate thread to avoid losing control of the message loop. If the initiating process is the UI process then its priority is boosted so that the operation requested by the user completes more quickly when the dialog is closed." Processor forkMainIfMain ifTrue: [| proc | proc := Processor activeProcess. proc priority: proc priority + 1]. response := self overlappedMsgBoxIndirect: struct]. "The message box will unhelpfully re-enable the window regardless of whether previously disabled" wasDisabled ifTrue: [self enableWindow: hWnd bEnable: false]. response == 0 ifTrue: [self systemError]. ^response! ! !UserLibrary categoriesFor: #messageBox:text:caption:style:icon:instance:!displaying!private! ! |
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