Bug in menu enables

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Bug in menu enables

Bill Dargel
Was adding an bit of an extension to Steve Waring's extensions to the
SUnitBrowser, and ran into some anomalies in the enabling/disabling of
menu items. I was able to reproduce the problem in a clean image.

    Open SystemBrowser.
    Find class Scribble. (in the Class List).
    Right click on Scribble. Note that "Views" menu item is enabled.
    Esc menu.
    Right click on ScaledDecimal. See that "Views" menu item is still
enabled, though it shouldn't be.

Did some Transcript tracing in ClassSelector>>queryCommand: and
determined that when it's called due to the right click, the
selectionOrNil (aka class) is still the old value (Scribble in the
example), rather than what the menu will be acting upon (ScaledDecimal
in the example).

Obviously some issue with the the fact that the right-click needs to
first select the list item and then pop up the context menu. Not sure
what the problem is, but it seems like maybe some event is not being
triggered, or is getting triggered in the wrong order.

I'm curious to see what the fix turns out to be. (I know I'll learn

Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA