Bug when doing Paste in Find & Replace dialog

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Bug when doing Paste in Find & Replace dialog

Juan Pablo Sandoval

I trying to fix the
Issue 6622: Bug when doing Paste in Find & Replace dialog

I think that the problem is in the following code.
| entryCompletion pt |
entryCompletion := EntryCompletion new
dataSourceBlock: [:currText | self prevReplacements ];
filterBlock: [:currApplicant :currText | currText size = 0
or: [currApplicant asUppercase includesSubstring: currText asString asUppercase]].

pt := (self
newAutoAcceptTextEntryFor: self
get: #replaceText
set: #replaceText:
class: String
getEnabled: nil
help: 'Enter the replacement text' translated
entryCompletion: entryCompletion)
acceptOnCR: true;
autoAccept: true ;
crAction: [:t | self replace];
pt textMorph
autoFit: true;
wrapFlag: false;
margins: (2@1 corner: 2@1).
^ pt
The method replaceText: is only called when some one type something in the text field directly.
But when I paste (cmd+v) some text in the field, the method replaceText: is not called.

How can I catch the "paste" (cmd+v) event?

Juan Pablo