Bugs in ByteArray>>dwordAtOffset:put: and basicDwordAtOffset:put:

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Bugs in ByteArray>>dwordAtOffset:put: and basicDwordAtOffset:put:

Carsten Haerle
The following code works as expected:

a := #[0 0 0 0].
a dwordAtOffset: 0 put: 16rFFFFFFFF.

the following code raises an Exception "Can't a DWORD"

a := #[0 0 0 0].
a dwordAtOffset: 0 put: (DWORD fromInteger: 16rFFFFFFFF).

The exception occurs in the method ByteArray>>retryDwordAtOffset:put: which
seems to have an off by one error. In Addition the implementation comment
seems to be totally wrong. Below a fixed version:

!ByteArray methodsFor!

retryDwordAtOffset: anInteger put: anObject
 "Private - Fallback code for storing unsigned word into the reciever when a
primitive fails.
 Either raises an appropriate error, or converts the argument to an Integer
and retries."

 (self validateOffset: anInteger) == 2
   ["Not a suitable value - could be non-Numeric, or not in unsigned 32-bit
   Attempt to coerce to Integer and retry. anObject may not understand

   | intVal |
   intVal := anObject asInteger.
   (intVal >= 0 and: [intVal <= 4294967295])
    ifTrue: [^self dwordAtOffset: anInteger put: intVal]].
 ^self errorCantHold: anObject! !
!ByteArray categoriesFor: #retryDwordAtOffset:put:!accessing!private! !

In addition almost the same code has been copied to
ByteArray>>basicDwordAtOffset:put: (which already has a corrected comment
but still the wrong code). I thing it should also use the method
#retryDwordAtOffset:put: as shown below.

Why are there two method anyway?

!ByteArray methodsFor!

basicDwordAtOffset: anInteger put: anObject
 "Private - Replace the internal contents of the receiver from offset
anInteger with
 the first 4 bytes of anObject."

 <primitive: 121>
^self retryDwordAtOffset: anInteger put: anObject! !
!ByteArray categoriesFor:
#basicDwordAtOffset:put:!accessing!primitives!private! !



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Re: Bugs in ByteArray>>dwordAtOffset:put: and basicDwordAtOffset:put:

Blair McGlashan
"Carsten Haerle" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:brkk9h$8vs$03$[hidden email]...
> ..
> the following code raises an Exception "Can't a DWORD"
> a := #[0 0 0 0].
> a dwordAtOffset: 0 put: (DWORD fromInteger: 16rFFFFFFFF).
> ...
> The exception occurs in the method ByteArray>>retryDwordAtOffset:put:
> seems to have an off by one error. In Addition the implementation comment
> seems to be totally wrong. Below a fixed version:
> ...

Thanks Carsten. Recorded as bug #1457.

> In addition almost the same code has been copied to
> ByteArray>>basicDwordAtOffset:put: (which already has a corrected comment
> but still the wrong code). I thing it should also use the method
> #retryDwordAtOffset:put: as shown below.
> Why are there two method anyway?

This is so that the ExternalAddress subclass can discriminate between
setting the address (i.e. setting up the pointer), or writing at some offset
from the address (i.e. using it as a pointer). The basic version can't use
#retryDwordAtOffset:put: because that would then give incorrect behaviour
for subclasses.

I'll correct the relational test on the upper bound in
#basicDwordAtOffset:put: under the same defect number, and do the same for
#retryWordAtOffset:put: which suffers from the same error too.

