Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1293

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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1293

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo-1.4 -s monticello-fix-for-14 -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Errors in script loaded from <>
==== Startup Error: Error: Name not found: FuelTestsCompatibilityBeforePharo20
MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>resolveToLoadableSpec:forMap:packages: in Block: [^ self error: 'Name not found: ' , aString]
MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>resolveToLoadableSpecs:map: in Block: [:req | (self...
MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>expandToLoadableSpecNames: in Block: [:cache | ...
MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: in Block: [:dict | ...
Got startup errors:
    Error: Name not found: FuelTestsCompatibilityBeforePharo20

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -s patch-inputsensor -s testrunner -s moose-tests -o moose-tests

Notice: Errors in script loaded from <>
==== Startup Error: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "new" is nil
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #new
Compiler class>>evaluate:for:notifying:logged:
Compiler class>>evaluate:for:logged:
Compiler class>>evaluate:logged:
FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing: in Block: [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)...
FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing: in Block: [:bar | ...
Got startup errors:
    MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "new" is nil

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -o moose_suite-4_7_dev -n Moose -t 'Moose Suite 4.7 Development ' -v 4.7 -c Moose
cp: cannot stat `/srv/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/srv/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/srv/': No such file or directory
/srv/ line 170: zip: command not found
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No test report files were found. Configuration error?
Build step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed build result to FAILURE
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Moose-dev mailing list
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1294

See <>

[...truncated 803 lines...]
  [:reference | self installSourceFile: reference] in [sourceFiles
  do: [:reference | self installSourceFile: reference]] in BasicCodeLoader>>installSourceFiles
  do: [:reference | self installSourceFile: reference]] in BasicCodeLoader>>installSourceFiles
  BasicCodeLoader class>>commandLineHandlerAction:
  [:commandLine | BasicCodeLoader commandLineHandlerAction: commandLine] in BasicCodeLoader class>>initialize
  [:each |
  | actionBlock conditionBlock |
  conditionBlock := each key.
  actionBlock := each value.
  (conditionBlock value: anUserInput)
  ifTrue: [actionBlock value: anUserInput]] in CommandLine class(AbstractUserInput class)>>dispatch:
  [:association | aBlock value: association value] in Dictionary>>valuesDo:
  [:each | each
  ifNotNil: [aBlock value: each]] in Dictionary>>associationsDo:
  CommandLine class(AbstractUserInput class)>>dispatch:
  [self dispatch: singleton] in CommandLine class>>dispatch
  [each cull: resuming] in [:each | self
  logStartUpErrorDuring: [each cull: resuming]
  into: errors
  tryDebugger: self isInteractive] in SmalltalkImage>>executeDeferredStartupActions:
  [:each | self
  logStartUpErrorDuring: [each cull: resuming]
  into: errors
  tryDebugger: self isInteractive] in SmalltalkImage>>executeDeferredStartupActions:
  Compiler class>>evaluate:for:notifying:logged:
  Compiler class>>evaluate:for:logged:
  Compiler class>>evaluate:logged:
  [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)
  ifTrue: [(self class evaluatorClass evaluate: self nextChunk logged: false)
  scanFrom: self]
  ifFalse: [chunk := self nextChunk.
  self checkForPreamble: chunk.
  self class evaluatorClass evaluate: chunk logged: true]] in [:bar |
  [self atEnd]
  whileFalse: [bar value: self position.
  self skipSeparators.
  [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)
  ifTrue: [(self class evaluatorClass evaluate: self nextChunk logged: false)
  scanFrom: self]
  ifFalse: [chunk := self nextChunk.
  self checkForPreamble: chunk.
  self class evaluatorClass evaluate: chunk logged: true]]
  on: InMidstOfFileinNotification
  do: [:ex | ex resume: true].
  self skipStyleChunk].
  self close] in FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing:
  [:bar |
  [self atEnd]
  whileFalse: [bar value: self position.
  self skipSeparators.
  [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)
  ifTrue: [(self class evaluatorClass evaluate: self nextChunk logged: false)
  scanFrom: self]
  ifFalse: [chunk := self nextChunk.
  self checkForPreamble: chunk.
  self class evaluatorClass evaluate: chunk logged: true]]
  on: InMidstOfFileinNotification
  do: [:ex | ex resume: true].
  self skipStyleChunk].
  self close] in FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing:
  ProgressInitiationException class>>display:at:from:to:during:
  [^ (FileSystemFileStream with: stream contents asString) reset fileIn] in [:stream | [^ (FileSystemFileStream with: stream contents asString) reset fileIn]
  on: Error , ParserNotification
  do: [:e | self handleError: e reference: aReference]] in BasicCodeLoader>>installSourceFile:
  [:stream | [^ (FileSystemFileStream with: stream contents asString) reset fileIn]
  on: Error , ParserNotification
  do: [:e | self handleError: e reference: aReference]] in BasicCodeLoader>>installSourceFile:
  [aBlock value: stream] in FileReference>>readStreamDo:
  [:reference | self installSourceFile: reference] in [sourceFiles
  do: [:reference | self installSourceFile: reference]] in BasicCodeLoader>>installSourceFiles
  do: [:reference | self installSourceFile: reference]] in BasicCodeLoader>>installSourceFiles
  BasicCodeLoader class>>commandLineHandlerAction:
  [:commandLine | BasicCodeLoader commandLineHandlerAction: commandLine] in BasicCodeLoader class>>initialize
  [:each |
  | actionBlock conditionBlock |
  conditionBlock := each key.
  actionBlock := each value.
  (conditionBlock value: anUserInput)
  ifTrue: [actionBlock value: anUserInput]] in CommandLine class(AbstractUserInput class)>>dispatch:
  [:association | aBlock value: association value] in Dictionary>>valuesDo:
  [:each | each
  ifNotNil: [aBlock value: each]] in Dictionary>>associationsDo:
  CommandLine class(AbstractUserInput class)>>dispatch:
  [self dispatch: singleton] in CommandLine class>>dispatch
  [each cull: resuming] in [:each | self
  logStartUpErrorDuring: [each cull: resuming]
  into: errors
  tryDebugger: self isInteractive] in SmalltalkImage>>executeDeferredStartupActions:
  [:each | self
  logStartUpErrorDuring: [each cull: resuming]
  into: errors
  tryDebugger: self isInteractive] in SmalltalkImage>>executeDeferredStartupActions:
  Compiler class>>evaluate:for:notifying:logged:
  Compiler class>>evaluate:for:logged:
  Compiler class>>evaluate:logged:
  [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)
  ifTrue: [(self class evaluatorClass evaluate: self nextChunk logged: false)
  scanFrom: self]
  ifFalse: [chunk := self nextChunk.
  self checkForPreamble: chunk.
  self class evaluatorClass evaluate: chunk logged: true]] in [:bar |
  [self atEnd]
  whileFalse: [bar value: self position.
  self skipSeparators.
  [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)
  ifTrue: [(self class evaluatorClass evaluate: self nextChunk logged: false)
  scanFrom: self]
  ifFalse: [chunk := self nextChunk.
  self checkForPreamble: chunk.
  self class evaluatorClass evaluate: chunk logged: true]]
  on: InMidstOfFileinNotification
  do: [:ex | ex resume: true].
  self skipStyleChunk].
  self close] in FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing:
  [:bar |
  [self atEnd]
  whileFalse: [bar value: self position.
  self skipSeparators.
  [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)
  ifTrue: [(self class evaluatorClass evaluate: self nextChunk logged: false)
  scanFrom: self]
  ifFalse: [chunk := self nextChunk.
  self checkForPreamble: chunk.
  self class evaluatorClass evaluate: chunk logged: true]]
  on: InMidstOfFileinNotification
  do: [:ex | ex resume: true].
  self skipStyleChunk].
  self close] in FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing:
  -- and more not shown ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Got startup errors:
      MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "new" is nil
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1295

See <>

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo-1.4 -s monticello-fix-for-14 -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Errors in script loaded from <>
==== Startup Error: Error: Name not found: FuelTestsCompatibilityBeforePharo20
MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>resolveToLoadableSpec:forMap:packages: in Block: [^ self error: 'Name not found: ' , aString]
MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>resolveToLoadableSpecs:map: in Block: [:req | (self...
MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>expandToLoadableSpecNames: in Block: [:cache | ...
MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: in Block: [:dict | ...
Got startup errors:
    Error: Name not found: FuelTestsCompatibilityBeforePharo20

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -s patch-inputsensor -s testrunner -s moose-tests -o moose-tests

Notice: Errors in script loaded from <>
==== Startup Error: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "new" is nil
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #new
Compiler class>>evaluate:for:notifying:logged:
Compiler class>>evaluate:for:logged:
Compiler class>>evaluate:logged:
FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing: in Block: [| chunk | val := (self peekFor: $!)...
FileSystemFileStream(PositionableStream)>>fileInAnnouncing: in Block: [:bar | ...
Got startup errors:
    MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "new" is nil

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -o moose_suite-4_7_dev -n Moose -t 'Moose Suite 4.7 Development ' -v 4.7 -c Moose
cp: cannot stat `/srv/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/srv/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/srv/': No such file or directory
/srv/ line 170: zip: command not found
Recording test results
No test report files were found. Configuration error?
Build step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed build result to FAILURE
Archiving artifacts

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1296

See <>

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo-1.4 -s monticello-fix-for-14 -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -s patch-inputsensor -s testrunner -s moose-tests -o moose-tests

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue. error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux2382/squeak)
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1297

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo-1.4 -s monticello-fix-for-14 -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -s patch-inputsensor -s testrunner -s moose-tests -o moose-tests

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue. error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux2382/squeak)
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts

Moose-dev mailing list
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1298

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo-1.4 -s monticello-fix-for-14 -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -s patch-inputsensor -s testrunner -s moose-tests -o moose-tests

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue. error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux2382/squeak)
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1299

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo-1.4 -s monticello-fix-for-14 -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -s patch-inputsensor -s testrunner -s moose-tests -o moose-tests

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue. error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux2382/squeak)
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1300

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo-1.4 -s monticello-fix-for-14 -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

blockNoContextSwitchOffset != null 9102
+ /srv/ -i moose -s patch-inputsensor -s testrunner -s moose-tests -o moose-tests

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.

*** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue. error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux2382/squeak)
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
  *** Warning: Warning: Token>>#value is no longer supported. Instead use Token>>#inputValue or the more pragmatic #parsedValue.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1301

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <> <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
=============================================================================== error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux2382/squeak)
  Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
/srv/ line 140: 13553 Killed                  exec "$PHARO_VM" $PHARO_PARAM "$OUTPUT_IMAGE" "$OUTPUT_SCRIPT"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
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Moose-dev mailing list
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1302

See <>

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.

Notice: Pharo cannot locate the sources file named /srv/pharo/coglinux/lib/squeak/4.0-2692/PharoV10.sources.

Please check that the file is named properly and is in the
same directory as this image.
=============================================================================== error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux/squeak)
  Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
  Notice: Pharo cannot locate the sources file named /srv/pharo/coglinux/lib/squeak/4.0-2692/PharoV10.sources.
  Please check that the file is named properly and is in the
  same directory as this image.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
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Moose-dev mailing list
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1303

See <>

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
=============================================================================== error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux/squeak)
  Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
/srv/ line 141: 13767 Killed                  exec "$PHARO_VM" $PHARO_PARAM "$OUTPUT_IMAGE" "$OUTPUT_SCRIPT"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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Moose-dev mailing list
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1304

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
=============================================================================== error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux/squeak)
  Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
/srv/ line 141: 21525 Killed                  exec "$PHARO_VM" $PHARO_PARAM "$OUTPUT_IMAGE" "$OUTPUT_SCRIPT"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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Moose-dev mailing list
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1305

See <>

Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
=============================================================================== error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux/squeak)
  Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
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Moose-dev mailing list
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Build failed in Jenkins: moose-latest-dev #1306

See <>

Started by timer
Building in workspace <>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -rf <>
+ /srv/ -i Pharo -s moose -s glamorous-theme -s moose-clean -s glamorous-toolkit -s cleanupforrelease -o moose

Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
=============================================================================== error loading code (/srv/pharo/coglinux/squeak)
  Notice: Your VM is too old for this image. Please download the latest VM.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]