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Hi !

Is there a way to draw my own buttons? Push buttons, toolbar buttons,
maybe a sliding control too (like brightness adjustment in an image
processing program, for example).


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Re: Buttons..

Bill Dargel
Zoli wrote:

> Is there a way to draw my own buttons? Push buttons, toolbar buttons,
> maybe a sliding control too (like brightness adjustment in an image
> processing program, for example).

I can answer for PushButtons. The others probably have something similar,
but you'll have to check the MSDN documentation. For PushButtons, by
specifying a BS_OWNERDRAW button style, you tell Windows that you're
going to take care of the drawing of the button yourself. This includes
the different looks when selected or when it has focus.

for a small package that does this by subclassing PushButton. It's lofty
goal is simply to allow rendering of PushButtons with a backcolor other
than gray.

Hopefully that should get you started,

Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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Re: Buttons..

Bruno Brasesco
In reply to this post by Zoli
> Is there a way to draw my own buttons? Push buttons, toolbar buttons,
> maybe a sliding control too (like brightness adjustment in an image
> processing program, for example).

Here there's a Package that subclass PushButton.


Regards Bruno

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Re: Buttons..

Bill, Bruno:
Thanks for the packages, I'll be back as soon as I've drawn something.
This forum rocks. Till now, no matter what I asked, the answer came.