[CFP] 9th ICOOOLPS Workshop Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of OO Languages, Programs and Systems

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[CFP] 9th ICOOOLPS Workshop Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of OO Languages, Programs and Systems

Stefan Marr-5
                           9th ICOOOLPS Workshop
         Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of OO Languages,
                            Programs and Systems
                      July 28th 2014, Uppsala, Sweden
                            Colocated with ECOOP


The ICOOOLPS workshop series brings together researchers and practitioners
working in the field of OO languages implementation and optimization.
ICOOOLPS key goal is to identify current and emerging issues relating to the
efficient implementation, compilation and optimization of such languages, and
outlining future challenges and research directions.

Topics of interest for ICOOOLPS include, but are not limited to:
implementation of fundamental OO and OO-like features (e.g. inheritance,
parametric types, memory management, objects, prototypes), runtime systems
(e.g. compilers, linkers, virtual machines, garbage collectors),
optimizations (e.g. static or dynamic analyses, adaptive virtual machines),
resource constraints (e.g. time for real-time systems, space or low-power for
embedded systems) and relevant choices and tradeoffs (e.g. constant time vs.
non-constant time mechanisms, separate compilation vs. global compilation,
dynamic loading vs. global linking, dynamic checking vs. proof-carrying


ICOOOLPS is not a mini-conference; it is a workshop designed to facilitate
discussion and the exchange of ideas between peers. ICOOOLPS therefore
welcomes both position (1—4 pages) and research (max. 10 pages) papers.
Position papers should outline interesting or unconventional ideas, which
need not be fully fleshed out. Research papers are expected to contain more
complete ideas, but these need not necessarily be fully complete as with a
traditional conference. Authors will be given the option to publish their
papers (short or long) in the ACM Digital Library if they wish.

Submissions must be written in English, formatted according to ACM SIG
Proceedings style. Please submit via EasyChair (link on the ICOOOLPS

  Important dates

Submission:   May 5th 2014 (FIRM DEADLINE)
Notification: May 26th 2014
Workshop:     July 28th 2014

  Programme chairs

Laurence Tratt, King's College London, UK
Olivier Zendra, INRIA Nancy, France

  Programme committee

Carl Friedrich Bolz, King's College London, UK
Eric Jul, University of Copenhagen, DK
José Manuel Redondo López, Universidad de Oviedo, ES
Stefan Marr, INRIA Lille, FR
Floréal Morandat, Labri, FR
Todd Mytkowicz, Microsoft, US
Tobias Pape, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, DE
Ian Rogers, Google, US
Jeremy Singer, University of Glasgow, UK
Jan Vitek, Purdue University, US
Mario Wolczko, Oracle Labs, US

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