CHB doesn't list method compiled programmatically

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CHB doesn't list method compiled programmatically

Hello all,

I'm running VA Smalltalk 9.1 x64 on Windows 8.1.

I could programmatically compile code and add it to a method dictionary, however the Class Hierarchy Browser doesn't list the method, although it's there accessing through the #sourceString method.

| source method |

targetClass := Object.
source := 'm0 ^ 42' .
method := targetClass compiler 
	compile: source
	inClass: targetClass 
	ifFail: [: err | self errorMessage: err ].
method setSource: source.
targetClass addCompiledMethod: method.
(Object >> #m0) sourceString.

Did I miss something?


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Re: CHB doesn't list method compiled programmatically

Mariano Martinez Peck-2

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 11:07 PM Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello all,

I'm running VA Smalltalk 9.1 x64 on Windows 8.1.

I could programmatically compile code and add it to a method dictionary, however the Class Hierarchy Browser doesn't list the method, although it's there accessing through the #sourceString method.

| source method |

targetClass := Object.
source := 'm0 ^ 42' .
method := targetClass compiler 
	compile: source
	inClass: targetClass 
	ifFail: [: err | self errorMessage: err ].
method setSource: source.
targetClass addCompiledMethod: method.
(Object >> #m0) sourceString.

Did I miss something?

I would use Grease (under "Platform Portability" configuration map):

| source method |

targetClass := Object.

source := 'm0 ^ 42' .

GRPlatform current 

compile: source

into: targetClass

classified: #foo

Or.... use the method that Grease uses internally:

| source method |

targetClass := Object.

source := 'm1 ^ 42' .


compile: source

notifying: Transcript

ifNewAddTo: targetClass controller

categorizeIn: (Array with: #foo asString)

Does this help?
Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.

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Re: CHB doesn't list method compiled programmatically


El vie., 15 may. 2020 a las 11:34, 'Mariano Martinez Peck' via VA Smalltalk (<[hidden email]>) escribió:

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 11:07 PM Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello all,

I'm running VA Smalltalk 9.1 x64 on Windows 8.1.

I could programmatically compile code and add it to a method dictionary, however the Class Hierarchy Browser doesn't list the method, although it's there accessing through the #sourceString method.

| source method |

targetClass := Object.
source := 'm0 ^ 42' .
method := targetClass compiler 
	compile: source
	inClass: targetClass 
	ifFail: [: err | self errorMessage: err ].
method setSource: source.
targetClass addCompiledMethod: method.
(Object >> #m0) sourceString.

Did I miss something?

I would use Grease (under "Platform Portability" configuration map):

| source method |

targetClass := Object.

source := 'm0 ^ 42' .

GRPlatform current 

compile: source

into: targetClass

classified: #foo

Or.... use the method that Grease uses internally:

| source method |

targetClass := Object.

source := 'm1 ^ 42' .


compile: source

notifying: Transcript

ifNewAddTo: targetClass controller

categorizeIn: (Array with: #foo asString)

Does this help?

Thank you Mariano! I got it to work :)



Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.

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