CHB reverts to previously saved version??

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CHB reverts to previously saved version??

Bill Schwab-2
Hello all,

I hate to mention this w/o proof, but, I'll feel worse if I don't :(   A
couple of times now, I recall tweaking code in a CHB and then returning to
code other (presumably the previously saved version) than what I was
editing.  Does something happen when a CHB has unsaved code, and one browses
references or definitions, or maybe edits code in one the resulting method
browser?  Or, is it too easy to close a CHB that has unsaved changes?  It's
also possible that I closed the browser with the changes that "disappeared".

Here's hoping this is either nonsense or has a simple resolution.  I'll poke
at it some later to see if I can reproduce something.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]