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Louis Sumberg-2
In using the new CHB, with inherited methods showing, it would be very
helpful to have the method categories list expand to show all ancestor
categories (except those only in Object if Object is being filtered).  As it
is, when looking at a subclass, the only categories showing are those in the
subclass.  Any parent or ancestor method in a category that is not showing
will end up only in private or public.

An expanded categories list would make the browser much more useful, e.g.,
helping one to see all the method categories all the way up in a class's
hierarchy gives a high-level view of a class' behavior.  It also helps a
developer to categorize new methods, if one can see all the categories up
the chain.

-- Louis

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Blair McGlashan

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> In using the new CHB, with inherited methods showing, it would be very
> helpful to have the method categories list expand to show all ancestor
> categories (except those only in Object if Object is being filtered).  As
> is, when looking at a subclass, the only categories showing are those in
> subclass.  Any parent or ancestor method in a category that is not showing
> will end up only in private or public.

I think I noticed this rather hazily the other day, so thanks for bringing
it into focus. #582.

