Hi everyone.
So about CI:
- https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/SciSmalltalk/
- SciSmalltalk is being built for Pharo 2.0 and 3.0
- At the moment only bleedingEdge version is built
- Will be improved in future
- "eleedingEdge" version means: latest versions of all packages :)
- Building job runs once a day and when someone has committed something to smalltalkhub (checked every hour)
- When build becomes RED an email should be sent to this list.
- We have cool build statuses:
- 2.0:

- 3.0:

- Yes, now all test are green for 3.0. (there are some minor issues because of exact comparison of floats but Natalia will fix that).
- Now the development workflow has changed
- form:
- Download fresh image
- Load SciSmalltalk (sometimes it included manual loading of all the stuff :) )
- Start to work
- to
Feedback is welcome.
Have a nice day!
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