COM Random Stream, v6.02

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COM Random Stream, v6.02

Joerg Beekmann, DeepCove Labs (YVR)
I just aquired Dolphin 6.02 Professional and wanted to try the COM
Random Stream example. So far I've done the following:

1) Open a Package Browswer and locate the 'COM Random Stream' package.
2) Deploy using preconfigured options ('Deploy Executable' from the
menu, then press the 'Deploy' button on the first page of the wizard).
***First I receive a notification that there is no type library...
There is an option to continue so I do.
*** Next the build fails and the image is forced to qut because the
files IPDolphin.dll and IPDolphinToGo.dll were missing. I downloaded
these from:

and repeated 1) and 2)
* The build now fails and the image is forced to quit because the
system can't find the file
   Object Arts\Samples\ActiveX\Random\Random.tlb
Since this is the output directory within which corandom.dll and
corandom.xml were generated I'm guessing this file should have been

Any pointers would be appeciated.
