It's known that writting a COM interface has some limitations and problems,
even in VB. The most important problem, IMHO, are static interfaces... i.e.
having to decide all the details at first. You also have to deal with
versions, types and in Dolphin it is also necesary to learn IDL and dirty
things of the ancient c++ world.
With all these I came to the conclusion that the best way to make a
COM/OLE/AX server in Dolphin is addin ONE interface with ONE method, like
Evaluate: smalltalkExpression pRetString: pRetString
"Private - Invoke the Evaluate() method of the COM object.
Helpstring: Compiles and evaluate the argument
HRESULT __stdcall Evaluate(
[in] BSTR sqlQuery,
[out, retval] BSTR* pRetString);"
pRetString value: (Compiler evaluate: smalltalkExpression asString )
asString asBSTR.
In this way you have complete access to all classes in Dolphin, in a
dynamic way... sorry, in a Smalltalk way.
(my one cent)
Diego Coronel