COM and SmallTalk help

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COM and SmallTalk help

I'm looking for a code example that demonstrates how to use Dolphin
SmallTalk to interact with an existing COM object.  Being somewhat new to
both COM and SmallTalk I'm kind of struggling.  I've searched the web and
haven't found much.  The link to on Wiki wasn't working when I
tried it either.


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Re: COM and SmallTalk help

Bill Schwab-2

> The link to on Wiki wasn't working when I
> tried it either.

The link will come back - there are both Novell and Microsoft servers in the
loop, and we sometimes have problems.  newCOMer is mostly about creating a
new component anyway, so you'd probably get a better start on the Wiki; look
for info on the ActiveX Component Wizard, and ActiveX in general.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: COM and SmallTalk help

Ingo Blank-7
In reply to this post by

I have Dolphin COM client implementations for ADO DatabaseBindings, SICStus
Prolog and DrScheme (Mz Scheme).
If you want the code, just drop me a mail.


ibl at nexgo dot de

"" <[hidden email]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:8VFN7.1341$[hidden email]...
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a code example that demonstrates how to use Dolphin
> SmallTalk to interact with an existing COM object.  Being somewhat new to
> both COM and SmallTalk I'm kind of struggling.  I've searched the web and
> haven't found much.  The link to on Wiki wasn't working when
> tried it either.
> Thanks,
> Joel