CSP and Smalltalk

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CSP and Smalltalk

Paolo Bonzini-2
Smalltalk processes traditionally have adopted the parallel processing
model using Semaphores rather than the concurrency model.  Besides the
presence of the SharedQueue class in the base library, very little is
provided by Smalltalk to help writing concurrent programs using an
event-driven style.

Is there any effort to provide Occam-like
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam_programming_language) constructs in

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Re: CSP and Smalltalk


On 27 juil, 17:11, Paolo Bonzini <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Smalltalk processes traditionally have adopted the parallel processing
> model using Semaphores rather than the concurrency model.  Besides the
> presence of the SharedQueue class in the base library, very little is
> provided by Smalltalk to help writing concurrent programs using an
> event-driven style.
> Is there any effort to provide Occam-like
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam_programming_language) constructs in
> Smalltalk?

I'm aware of some work about doing some Occam-pi code generation from
Smalltalk in order to do simulations.
Do you know Urbiscript language ? It's an open-source robotic
language : http://www.urbiforge.org/
with event-based parallelism. I would like to have something similair
in Smalltalk ;-)
I do a very small code translator from Smalltalk to UrbiScript.
