Call for Participation: VM Meetup 2015, September 10th-11th, Zurich, Switzerland

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Call for Participation: VM Meetup 2015, September 10th-11th, Zurich, Switzerland

Stefan Marr-5

Virtual Machine Meetup, Call for Participation

The 2nd Virtual Machine Meetup 2015 will be held on 10th and 11th of September

at the ETH Zurich in Switzerland (rooms IFW A32.1 and A34 from 9am - 5pm).

It is a venue for discussing the latest research and developments in the area of

managed language execution. We welcome presentations of new research results,

experience reports, as well as position statements that can lead to interesting



Up to date information:

Last year’s VMM2014 program:

Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Programming language design

• Dynamic and static program analysis

• Compiler construction

• Managed runtime architectures

• Data processing engines

• Distributed execution environments

Please register your participation by sending a mail to [hidden email] 

including your full name and affiliation that should show on your name tag. There are 

limited participant slots due to the constraints of the room, so please register early.

If you would like to fill a time slot with your own presentation, please include title

(max. 100 characters) and abstract (max. 400 characters). We may ask for additional 

information from you before making the program decision. Presentation slots are either 

30 minutes (long) or 15 minutes (short) including Q/A.

As an optional social event, we will plan this year for Saturday the 12th of September

a trip to the Rigi - a small mountain with an excellent view of the alpes and the three

lakes around it. Please let us know whether you intend to participate for planning purposes.

Register:     mail to [hidden email]

              please register early, limited slots available

Meetup:       Sep 10th + 11th at ETH Zurich

Social Event: Sep 12th, optional

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