Call for PhD candidates in the Software Composition Group, U Bern

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Call for PhD candidates in the Software Composition Group, U Bern


Applications are invited for PhD candidates at the Software Composition Group, University of Bern, Switzerland.

The Software Composition Group carries out research in software engineering and programming languages, with a view to enabling software evolution.  The SCG is led by Prof. Oscar Nierstrasz and is part of the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Bern.

Applicants will contribute to the ongoing SNSF project, “Agile Software Analysis”, and towards the planned successor project:

The candidate must have a MSc in Computer Science (equivalent to a Swiss MSc), should demonstrate strong programming skills, and have research interests in several of the following areas:

- software evolution
- program understanding
- dynamic analysis
- static analysis
- software modeling
- model-driven engineering
- secure software engineering
- programming language design
- domain specific languages
- virtual machine technology

Female candidates are especially welcome to apply. To apply, please send an email including your research statement and your CV, with at least two references, to Prof. Oscar Nierstrasz ([hidden email]), by June 1, 2017.

Kind regards,
Oscar Nierstrasz
Prof. Dr. O. Nierstrasz    -- [hidden email]
Software Composition Group --
University of Bern         -- Tel +41 31 631 4618

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