The following snippet allows you to use the HelpBrowser to go through
the descriptions of all currently listed catalog projects:
|topic sub st|
topic := HelpTopic named: 'CATALOG CONTENTS'.
st := STON fromString: (ZnEasy get: '') contents.
st collect: [:each |
sub := HelpTopic
title: (each at: #name) contents: (each at: #description) asString.
topic addSubtopic: sub.
HelpBrowser openOn: topic
Many of them have a simple descriptions missing. So if you are the author
of a project please add a good description to your ConfigurationOf...
Also update your configurations for Pharo 6.0 and put it into!/~Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo60If you have an interesting project that is not yet in the catalog then
take a few minutes to build a ConfigurationOf... package and class.
Using Tools -> Versionner for that is really easy.
Also not that Versionner has a context menu allowing you to generate
the methods necessary for the catalog.