7.9 release is nearing. We will definitely not build a release
candidate in March. We could build one at any time in April. Thus the
last working day in March (the 30th) may be the last time we would be
happy to update a contributed item for the 7.9 release.
1) If you maintain a goodie and have not already seen the vw-dev call,
then you likely do not have access to the 7.9 pre-release: exercising
in 7.8.1 is a good idea, since quite a few of the 7.9 fixes were
backported to 7.8.1.
The same applies if you just use a goodie: reports and fixes against
7.8.1 are welcome if you don't have 7.9.
2) If you want to see changes in the contributed items
- add something
- remove something old/superceded
- make install optional so you don't have to untick it by default
please reply to this thread with your suggestions.
Fixes can be supplied by emailing me (or other Cincom contact for the
goodie if there is one) details of the Cincom OR version, or an archive
of parcel(s), or quoting code corrections in very simple cases. (Or by
upload to the ftp server for some maintainers in vw-dev.)
Niall Ross
vwnc mailing list
[hidden email]