I'm having an issue with the use of collection tags (i.e. unordered
list), and Scriptaculous updater.
I can't specify and updater directly to the unorderedList.
For example:
renderContentOn: html
html unorderedList
list: myListOfItems
onClick: (
html updater
id: containerId;
callback: [:r | self renderHandlerOn: r]);
callback: [:x | self onItemSelected: x].
In the previous example, the unordered list callback block, when
executed, knows the "selected" item.
But there's no way to know it in the updater block.
The only way I found to handle this, is to build the list explicitly:
html unorderedList
with: [
myListOfItems do: [:each |
html listItem
onClick: (
html updater
id: containerId;
callback: [:r | self renderHandlerOf: each on: r]);
callback: [:x | self onItemSelected: x]
But perhaps I'm missing something.
Best regards,
Esteban A. Maringolo
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